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Exercise 3. Answer the following questions

1. Have you ever been to Kyiv?

2. Has Kyiv impressed you greatly?

3. What did you like most?

4. What is the population of Kyiv?

5. When did Kyiv celebrate its 1500 anniversary?

6. Has the Golden Gate remained the entrance to Kyiv since ancient times?

7. Why can you say that Kyiv is the greenest city in the world?

8. Who established an independent Cossack state?

9. What scientific research institutes are there in Kyiv?

10. What makes you think that Kyiv is an important industrial centre?

11. Kyiv educational establishments train highly qualified specialists, don’t they?

12. What beautiful monuments and masterpieces of architecture are there in Kyiv?

II. Practice

Exercise 4. Try to find out the way to certain places. Do it as in the Model.

Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the railway station? Yes, I can. Go along this street, then take the 2nd turning on the left.

- to Russian Art Museum

- to St.Sophia Cathedral

- to Pechersk Lavra

- to the Golden Gate

- to Kyiv-Mogyla Academy

- to Linguistics University

- to the church of St.Andrew

- to the Arsenal Plant

Expressions: its the shortest way to, cross this way and take the 2nd turning, it’s quite a distance from here; it’s two districts from here; am I on the right way to?; take a bus №…; go down…; it’s 5 minutes walk; get on bus №….; get off at bus stop; it’s round the corner.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-28; Прочитано: 424 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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