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A) It took him 40 minutes to get to the University

b) It did not take him 40 minutes to get to the University.

3. a) The students had a good time together

b) The students didn’t have a good time together.

4. a) Boris went to a farewell party at his school yesterday.

b) Boris didn’t go to a farewell party at his school yesterday.

5. a) My group-mates celebrated a holiday 2 days ago.

b) My group-mates didn’t celebrate a holiday 2 days ago.

Exercise 7. React to the questions making a choice as in the model. Use the word “surely”.

—Did he work or study last year? — He studied surely.  

1. Did your English lesson last 80 minutes or 90 minutes?

2. Did you study English or French?

3. Did you check your homework at home or in your classroom?

4. Did your sister go to the library or to the language laboratory yesterday?

5. Did the students take excellent or poor marks last lesson?

6. Did your friend graduate from the University or the Institute a year ago?

Exercise 8.Ask a person who questions and answer them as in the model:

— Ann saw him yesterday. — Who saw him yesterday? — Ann did.  

1. Boris translated the text.

2. My friend studied foreignlanguages at school.

3. My nephew finished school in 2000.

4. Their parents came to see me yesterday.

5. The students made no mistakes in the last laboratory work.

6. Professor N. simply carried away the audience.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-28; Прочитано: 436 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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