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Exercise 2. Read and act the dialogue

Student A: Let me Introduce myself. I’m A…, a first-year student at KSTU.

Student B: How do you do A? I’m glad to meet you. My name is B. You see, I’m a first year student too, at Oxford University.

St.A: What faculty do you study at?

St B: I’m a student of the Slavonic faculty. And you? What faculty do you study at?

St A: I study at the faculty of Economics.

St B: So you are a future economist. And how many faculties are there at the University, I wonder?

St A: There are 7 faculties, where more than 7 thousand students study. And, as far as I know, Oxford University is very old. When was it founded?

St B: Yes, Oxford University is one of the oldest Universities in the world. It was founded in 1247. But it is famous not only because it is very old. There is a very high level of teaching here. The best teachers work at Oxford.

St A: Our teachers are also highly qualified. Among them there are 31 doctors of science, professors, 144 candidates of science, about 20 academicians.

Exercise 2. Make up your own dialogues on the following situations:

Situation 1: You want to enter KSTU next year. Ask the first-year student of KSTU about the students’ life at the University. Express your surprise about some facts. Use the following words and word combinations: (to attend lectures; to study general and special subjects; to write yearly project; to imply; out-of-class activities.).

Situation 2: You visited the Oxford University. Answer the questions of your friend about Oxford. Object some incorrect statements. Use the following words and word combinations: (to be founded; to be situated; to last; to allow; to fall in an examination; a tutor; a student’s working day; to spend.).

Дата публикования: 2014-11-28; Прочитано: 467 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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