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VOCABULARY. population— население

population — население

square — квадратный

to consist of — состоять из

island — остров

archipelago - архипелаг; группа островов

Washington, D.C. – Вашингтон, Столица Соединенных Штатов Америки на востоке США в пределах специально созданного Федерального округа Колумбия

to stretch — простираться

flat — плоский

inland — внутрь континента

to flow — протекать

the Gulf of Mexico — Мексиканский залив

the Great Plains — Великие равнины

the Rocky Mountains — Скалистые горы

the Cascade Range – Каскадные горы (горы в системе Кордильер Северной Америки; находятся на территории США и Канады)

temperate — умеренный

distinct — отчетливый

wet — сырой

natural resources — природные ресурсы

coal — уголь

petroleum — нефть

soil — почва

agriculture — сельское хозяйство

free enterprise — свободное предпринимательство

to produce — производить

machinery — оборудование, станки

transportation equipment — оборудование для транспорта

chemicals — химические вещества

paper — бумага

commander-in-chief – главнокомандующий

legislative bills – законопроект

the Cabinet -кабинет (министров)

Legislative - законодательный

Executive - исполнительный

Judicial – судебный

ethnic — этнический

fast — быстрый

native Americans — коренные американцы

basic — основной

throughout the country — по всей стране

1. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the population of the US?

2. What does it consist of?

3. Where is Hawaii situated?

4. What are the names of the biggest mountain chains?

5. Where does the Mississippi River flow?

6. What part of the country is flat?

7. What is the climate like?

8. What are the hottest places in the US?

9. What are the main rivers and the most important cities of the US?

10. What does the US produce?

11. What other languages besides English are spoken in the United States?

12. What branches is the federal government composed of?

2. Say if these statements are true or false:

1. The US is the 4th biggest country in the world.

2. Hawaii is situated in California.

3. Along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean there are the Appalachian mountains.

4. American climate is rather subtropical.

5. The warmest places are Texas, Arizona, New Mexico & Florida.

6. The main river is the Mississippi.

7. The US has some natural resources, such as iron, steel & natural gas.

8. The US economy is based on private enterprise.

9. The US produces electronic and transportation equipment, metal products, paper and plastic products.

10. The largest ethnic group in the US is Afro-Americans.

3. Finish these sentences:

1. Hawaii is one of the smallest states...

2. In the middle of the continent there is...

3. In the west there are two...

4. In the north of the US there is...

5. The capital of the US is...

6. The major language in the US is...

7. The United States of America (the United States, the U.S., the USA, or America) is a federal …

4. You are writing a report on the US and you need some general information about the country. You want to consult an expert on:

1.Population, area, states & cities.

2. Rivers, mountains & climate.

3. Economy & industry.

4. Ethnic groups.

5. Speak on:

1. Geographical situation, area, population.

2. Rivers, mountain chains & climate.

3. Ethnicity, language.

4. Economy.

6. Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the words in italics:


1. What is the mean annual rainfall?

2. A row of mean houses blocked the view.

3. I have been meaning to do it for a long time.

4. Exploring a new country in the olden days meant putting up with considerable hardship.

5. What is your favorite means of transport?

6. He has private means.

7. Can you think of a means of doing it?

8. By all means do it if you want.

9. Does the end justify the means?

10. I do not like meanness in people.


1. That bar has a lot of atmosphere.

2. He was called to the Bar last year.

3. A few bars of chocolate are included in most emergency rations.

4. He hummed a few bars' of tune.

5. No holds are barred т that contest..

6. They all went bar me.

7. He bent two bars ahd forced his way between them.

8. Will the prisoner at the bar kindly answer the questions?

9. The police barred the way.

10. The American administration is doing its best to breakdown the colour bar in the U.S.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 466 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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