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Choosing a Career

Pre-reading task: What jobs, do you think, are the most prestigious ones in this country these days? What is your dream job?

Work is one of the essential things that we must do through our lifetime. There are many reasons for people to work. We can also say that we work because of the money.

Money is one of these factors, which make people go out for a job. But maybe it is not the only or not the main reason why people enjoy working all day. Respect and learning are the two primary reasons that make people to work.

First of all, working can help people win respects from others. No one would like a healthy person who depends on family or society to support for a lifetime. Otherwise, he or she is like a parasite in our life. In society, every one needs to work for the family, for the community and for the country. For example, a housewife need take care of the house and the kids, and as a housewife and a mother, she gains respects from husband and kids; an employee, after fulfilling his or her job, receives compliments from the boss; a military man defends his country, and he deserves the rewards from the nation. In this sense, working helps people recognize their values and win respects as a human being in society.

Secondly, the other main reason for people to work is that we can learn and develop ourselves through working. To begin with, when we work, we usually meet other people and co-operate with each other. At this point, we sometimes become a supporter of someone. This can help people to get through the strict life. We also learn how to work together effectively and can adapt to the modern world more easily by doing work together. We work in order to know how to get through the harsh life with other people, get honor from other people, and feel achievement through our work. Workplace is a very important place to make friends for us, especially in fast pace life nowadays. In working, we can learn from one another. We can communicate the information, which we get individually, we can ask for advice from our colleagues and we can share the experience with our workmates. In this way, we could learn faster than we learn alone due to our limited energy. Compared to staying at home alone, working makes us have more friends and more skills. So when we face difficulties, we have more ability and courage, we feel stronger to conquer them. Besides, in a certain extent, working can be viewed as one kind of exercises in our life – keeping working prevents us from being lazy.

In conclusion, there are a lot of reasons for people to work. Different persons have different motivations for work. People work because they know how to work together fluently, they want to get respect and honor from other people, and they want to feel achievement about their work.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 338 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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