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Compose two dialogues using the word combinations and phrases. Mind the intonation patterns in the stimuli and responses to convey proper attitudes

Suggested situations: 1. Conversation between father and son about the boy's future career . They disagree on most points but are trying hard to understand each other. 2. Conversation between two mothers complaining жалуются about misunderstandings in their families.

12.Translate the following sentences into English using the word combinations and phrases:

1. Вместо того чтобы смотреть на иллюзии молодых добрыми и терпеливыми глазами, взрослые подчас раздраженно говори­ли нам: «Любуясь на звезды, ничего не достигнешь. Нужно ра­ботать, добиваться прочного положения в обществе, а не гонять­ся за миражами». Instead of looking at and good patient eyes: Instead of turning a kind and tolerant eye on the illusions of youth adults sometimes told us angrily "One get nowhere by admiring the stars. It is necessary to work oneself up to a good position and not to chase mirages." 2. «Нельзя же подходить ко всем со своей мер­кой, — сказал Чарльз с некоторой досадой. — Если уж на то пошло, не все могут позволить себе такие расходы, как ты. И ты это хорошо знаешь». "You can not apply your standards to everyone, - Charles said with some annoyance. - For that matter, not everyone can afford such expense as you do. And you are well aware of it." 3. Конечно, Джейн обиделась на эти не­справедливые слова, но решила временно сдержаться и не от­вечать свекрови. Сказав, что у неё слегка разболелась голова, она ушла в свою комнату. Of course, Jane took offence at these unfair words, but decided to hold herself in check not to answer to her mother-in-law for the time being. Having said that, she had a touch of the headache, she went to her room.

13. Answer the following questions:

1. What was Mr. Smeeth's attitude to his daughter? 2. What was it that annoyed him in her? 3. What did Edna look like? 4. Do you think that her father's annoyance раздражение was well-founded or rather unrea­sonable? 5. What can be said in Edna's defence? (She was "languid вялый and complaining недовольная, shrill резкая and resentful обидчивая, or sullen угрюмая and tearful слезливая ". Proba­bly she had reasons of her own for being all that, hadn't she?) 6. Why was it that George, "a very bright promising boy", turned out a dis­appointment разочарование to his father? Do you think that Mr. Smeeth was objec­-


tive in his disappointment? What was it exactly that worried him about George? Do you think that George's failings were serious ones? 7. Why was it that Mr. Smeeth's children were foreigners to him? 8. Do you think that the parents are to be blamed for their at­tempts to apply their own standards to their children? Or, probably, such attempts are natural and understandable?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 443 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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