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Eugene Morris, 25, worker

I've never given a thought to the reason why I go to the theatre. My parents took me when I was a child, and the habit stuck осталась.

With me, the theatre is rest, work and a festive occasion. A good play makes one think: is it true to life? what should I have done in his place?

What I don't like in our contemporary theatre is the prevailing insistence on настаивание на the character who is a hopeless failure безнадёжный провал. What is the purpose of such plays? I want to see a hero on the stage, a man whom I could admire and try to imitate. Of course, I don't mean an "ideal" hero: no one is likely to believe in him. I mean a strong, honest man, but also kind and tolerant. It is difficult for me to dictate to drama­tists драматург, but I hope you see what I mean.

Peter Wyndham, 35, film producer

When a child I didn't go to the theatre. Once or twice my grand­mother took me to the opera . One day we were late and arrived at the moment when a terrible thunderstorm had just broken out on the stage. Certainly an imitation thunderstorm, but I was so terrified that I screamed and ran away. After that I refused pointblank категорически to go to the theatre, and I grew up absolutely outside its influence.

I don't want you to think that I reject the theatre like so many film people. It's not that. I am simply indifferent. A friend of mine has produced "Macbeth" in Birmingham [′bə:mɪƞəm], and I can't make myself go and see it, though everyone says it is a tremendous success .

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 564 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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