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Copy out from Text One the sentences containing the word combinations and phrases and translate them into Russian

8. Paraphrase the following sentences using the word combinations and phrases:

1. Our life in the house followed a quiet pattern. - Our life in the house passed entirely without incident. 2. The scheme was soon put into operation. - The scheme was soon consulted. 3. She turned sharply to meet his glance. Suddenly she felt a pang of pity. No, she could not be cru-


el to him. - No, she could not be hard on him. 4. It was hard to tell where you stood with Eddy and I was careful not to become a laughing-stock for his pals. - It was hard to tell where you stood with Eddy and I was careful not to make a fool of myself in the eyes of his pals. 5. He was ar­rested by her face immediately, so gentle it looked in the crowd. He was ar­rested by her face immediately, so gentle it looked in the crowd. - He was put off by her face immediately, so gentle it looked in the crowd. 6. He looked up in the telephone-directory but there was no tele­phone listed under his name. - He consulted the telephone-directory but there was no tele­phone listed under his name. 7. When the white figure emerged at the window, there was a spooky silence, but in a moment we rec­ognized George and burst into laughter. - When the white figure emerged at the window, there was a spooky silence, but in a moment we rec­ognized George and roared with laughter. 8. He tried to get rid of me with more promises but I wouldn't surrender. - He tried to put me off with more promises but I wouldn't surrender. 9. She evidently felt ill at ease and spoke very quietly but everything she said could be heard distinctly. She evidently felt ill at ease and spoke very quietly but everything she said could be carried well. 10. Nothing happened in the morning, but when the good news came, the next hour was a succession of hand-shakes and laughing comments. Nothing happened in the morning, but when the good news came, the next hour was a succession of hand-shakes and laughing comments. - The morning passed entirely without incident, but when the good news came, the next hour was a succession of hand-shakes and laughing comments.

9. Compose short situations in dialogue form for each of the given word com­binations and phrases. Mind their stylistic peculiarities. Use proper intonation means in the stimuli and responses.

10. Translate the following sentences into English using the word combinations and phrases:

1. Обстоятельства помешали им привести свой план в испол­нение. The circumstances put them off carring their plan into effect. 2. Учитель говорил тихим голосом, но его было хорошо слышно. The teacher spoke in a low voice, but it was carried well. 3. Сказав это, он понял, что поставил себя в глупое по­ложение. Having said this, he realized that he made a fool of himself. 4. Услышав эту шутку, все разразились громким сме­хом. Everyone roared with laughter when had heard this joke. 5. Какое расстояние отсюда до города? — Я не знаю. Посмотри по карте. What is the distance from here to town? - I do not know. Consult the map. 6. После этого весь судебный процесс проходил без единого происшествия. After this all the trial passed entirely without incident. 7. Спид знал, что молодой учитель должен с самого начала утвердить свой авторитет (to gain a firm standing), и поэтому он сразу поставил мальчиков на место, когда они ста­ли плохо вести себя. Speed ​​knew that the young teacher should gain a firm standing from the very beginning and so he immediately put the boys in their place where they put him off. 8. Она отделалась от него шуткой (with a jest). She put him off with a jest. 9. Я не хочу, чтобы ты поставил себя в глупое положение. I do not want you to make a fool of yourself. 10. Гер­берт не обращал внимания на то, что она говорила. Herbert put off her words. 11. Все знали, что Фэти пользуется шпаргалками, но никто не обращал на это, внимания. Everyone knew that Fety cribbed, but all put it off. 12. Не будь с ней так сурова, она не виновата. Do not be hard on her, she is not guilty. 13. Уз­нав о случившемся, отец сурово обошелся с сыном. Having got to know about the incident, the father was hard on his son.

11. Answer the following questions:

1. What was Speed conscious of when he took his seat on the dais помосте, кафедре? How did the boys behave? 2. What was the first breach of discipline during the prep? 3. Do you think Speed's reaction to the breach of discipline was correct? 4. Was he conscious of the risks he ran? What does the author call his act? 5. What did Speed remember when the


assembly сбор was roaring with laughter? 6. In what way did Speed put off the mischief-makers? Do you think the way he dealt with the situation was correct? 7. What did Speed learn in the evening? 8. What would you do if you were in similar conditions? Would you do the same?

12. Ask each other questions covering the text. Mind the intonation of inter­
rogative sentences to convey proper attitudes.

Models: a) Do you think the boys liked Speed's answer? Who do you think warned him? etc.

b) When was it that tittering хихикание began? How was it that Speed won the respect of the boys?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 885 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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