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It_Am_Assassin_01 Amulett of the Assassinen

It_Am_DEX_01 Amulett of the hunter

It_Am_Druid_01 Amulett of the Druiden

It_Am_HP_01 Amulett of the vitality

It_Am_Hunter_01 Amulett of the hunter

It_Am_Jaeger_02 Amulett of the concentration

It_Am_Jaeger_03 Amulett of the hunter

It_Am_Krieger_01 Amulett Kraft

It_Am_Krieger_02 Amulett of the honour

It_Am_Krieger_03 Amulett of the Warriors/Soldiers

It_Am_Mage_01 Magieramulett

It_Am_Magier_01 Amulett of the knowledge

It_Am_Magier_02 Amulett of the Zauberei

It_Am_Magier_03 Amulett of the Magiers

It_Am_MP_01 Amulett of the magic

It_Am_Paladin_01 Amulett of the Paladins

It_Am_Priester_01 Amulett of the faith

It_Am_Priester_02 Amulett that became

It_Am_Priester_03 Amulett of the priest

It_Am_Prot_Edge_01 Amulett of the defense

It_Am_Prot_Edge_02 Amulett of the masterful protection

It_Am_Prot_Edge_03 Harnischamulett

It_Am_Prot_Edge_04 Amulett of the iron skin

It_Am_Prot_Fire_01 Amulett of the fire protection

It_Am_Prot_Ice_01 Amulett of the ice protection

It_Am_Prot_Lightning_01 Amulett of the energy defense

It_Am_Prot_Missile_01 Amulett of the projectile defense

It_Am_SP_01 Amulett of the perseverance

It_Am_STR_01 Amulett of the strength

It_Am_Thief_01 Diebesamulett

It_Am_Warrior_01 Amulett of the Kriegers

It_Artefact_Amulet Amulett of the Gцttlichkeit

It_Ramon_Amulet Ramons Amulett

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 250 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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