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II. The Formation of Indefinite Tenses

Present Past Future  
usually, often, always, seldom, hardly ever, occasionally yesterday, ago, last …, the other day, in 1998 tomorrow, next …, in two days  
+ ?/- + ?/- + ?/-  
I we you V they     do/don’t + V   Ved (V2)   did/didn’t + V will (shall)+ V   will (shall) / won’t (shan’t)+ V  
    will + V     will/won’t+V  
he she Vs it   does/doesn’t + V  


1.Use the verbs in brackets in the Present, Past or Future Indefinite.


1.Richard (to walk) to school. 2.We (to live) in that house. 3.My father (to work) in the garden. 4.The train (to stop) at the station. 5.The pencils (to lie) on the table. 6.I (to play) with my dog. 7.They (to help) their mother. 8.I (not to drink) coffee every day. 9.The baby (to sleep) after dinner? 10.My grandmother (to work)? 11.My brother (not to like work) in the garden. 12.Your sister (to study) at an institute? 13.The sun (shine) and the birds (sing) in spring. 14.My mother (not make) usually cakes on Mondays.


1.I (to go) to bed at ten o’clock every day. 2.I (to go) to bed at ten o’clock yesterday. 3.My brother (to wash) his face every morning. 4.Yesterday she (to get up) at a quarter past seven. 5.My mother always (to take) a bus to get to work, but yesterday she (not to take) a bus. She (to walk) to her office. 6.You (to talk) to the members of your family every day? - Yes, I…. But yesterday I (not to talk) to them, I (to be) very busy. 7.You (to go) to England last year? - No, I…... Last year I (to go) to the USA. 8.My friend (to know) Spanish very well.


1.I (to play) chess tomorrow. 2.Kate (to go) to the university tomorrow. 3.You (to come) to my place next Sunday? 4.You (to read) this book next week? 5.I (not to see) him tomorrow. 6.What you (to do) next month? 7.What your friend (to do) tomorrow? 8.Where you (to go) next summer? 9.She (to dance) tonight? 10.He (to go) to the theatre next Sunday.11.Where she (to go) in three days? 12.They (not to take) care of the garden next summer.

2.Take the appropriate form of the verb below.

1.Do you often … books in the library? 2.This student … a lot of mistakes in the tasks. 3.They... often rest at the seaside, they … in the mountains. 4.They … the road every year. 5.We … near the road, the traffic …too much noise. 6.Cuckoos … nests. 7.In summer I … my sun-glasses. 8.My father … the tickets in advance. 9.Do they always … lottery tickets? 10.I … him. 11.He … his car and often … it. 12.He always … about something else.

1.borrow, borrowed, borrowd; 2.make, makes, maked; 3.doesn’t rest, didn’t rest, don’t rest; / rested, rest, rests; 4.repair, repaired, repairs; 5.live, lived, lives; / make, makes, maked; 6.don’t build, built, doesn’t build; 7.wear, wears, weared; 8.doesn’t book, don’t book, don’t booked; 9.buy, buys, don’t buy; 10.don’t remember; didn’t remembered, doesn’t remember; 11.likes, like, liket; / polish, polishes, polishet; 12.think, thinks, thinkes

3.Write the past of these verbs:

1.get - got 5.pay - 9.do -

2.eat - 6.make - 10.put -

3.take - 7.work - 11.cut -

4.think - 8.hear - 12.read -

4.Complete these sentences with the verb in the negative.

M O D E L: I saw John but I didn’t see Mary.

1.They worked on Monday but they … on Tuesday. 2.We went to the shop but we … to the market. 3.She had a pen but she … any paper. 4.Jack did French at school but he …German. 5.I met my friend at the theatre but I … his wife.

5.Write questions with “Did”

M O D E L: I watched TV last night. And you? Did you watch TV last night?

1.I enjoyed the party. And you?___________________

2.I had a good holiday. And you?___________________

3.I got up early this morning. And you?_______________

4.I slept well last night. And you?___________________

5.I went to the Crimea in summer. And you?___________

6.Write questions with “Who/What/How/Why”

M O D E L: I met my former school-mate. Whom did you meet?

1.Harry arrived at 7p.m What time… Harry …?

2.I watched a film on TV. What … you …?

3.Peter went home early. When …?

4.We had dinner an hour ago. When …?

5.The house cost a lot of money. How much …?

7.Complete the sentences. Use one of these verbs in the past.

clean finish happen smoke start want watch

M O D E L:Yesterday evening I watched television.

1.I ___ my teeth three times yesterday. 2.Bernard __ 6 cigarettes yesterday evening. 3.The concert ___ at 7.30 and __ at 10 o’clock last night. 4.The accident __ last Sunday afternoon. 5.When I was a child I __ to be a doctor.

8.Translate into English

1.Пітер – студент університету. Він живе в гуртожитку. П’ять разів на тиждень у нього заняття в університеті. В суботу і неділю він не ходить в університет. Пітер займається спортом, він також захоплюється музикою. Він часто ходить з друзями на концерти. Він сам грає на скрипці і бере участь в студентських концертах. Пітер спеціалізується на історії України і вивчає українську мову. 2.Як правило, студенти здають іспити двічі на рік. 3.Мені не подобається Москва, тут дуже шумно і багато транспорту. 4.Скільки часу тобі потрібно, щоб зробити цей переклад? 5.Цей автобус тут ніколи не зупиняється. 6.Хто з вас знає, де живе Люсі? 7.Вчора ввечері я телефонувала своїм друзям в Лондон. 8.Він закінчив університет три роки тому. 9.В понеділок вона не приходила до інституту. 10.Де ти купив цей словник? 11.Куди ви їздили у відпустку влітку? 12.Джейн і Дік вперше зустрілися під час літньої практики. 13.Хто залишив це повідомлення? 14.Джон Кеннеді став президентом Сполучених Штатів, коли йому було 43 роки. 15.Я зателефоную йому трішечки пізніше. 16.Що ми подаруємо їй на день народження? 17.Прогноз погоди повідомляє, що завтра буде дощ. 18.Він складатиме останній іспит через декілька днів.


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