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Variant I

I. Change from Active to Passive.

1.Thousands of tourists visit Madam Tussaud’s every day.

2.Look, they have cleaned the walls of Westminster Abbey!

3.During the War, they hid many pictures and statues in the tunnels of the Underground.

4.You can’t hear Big Ben this summer. They are repairing the mechanism of the clock.

II. Find the correct tenses.

1.Most people think that the clock tower (call).................................. Big Ben, but in fact it is

name of the bell.

2.More than fifty churches (build)........................................ after the Great Fire of London in 11

3.Along the Thames many of the old buildings (replace)............................................ by new ones.

4.The Globe Theatre (open)................................................. some time next year.

5. Tourists from all over the world can (find).............................................. in London.

III. Complete the sentences with the right preposition.

1. This bed hasn’t been slept

2. They were being laughed

3. The dog wasn’t looked properly.

4. This information can be relied

IV. Translate the underlined parts of the sentences.

1. Мне дали возможность закончить работу…………………………………………………….

2. Ему всегда помогают его сыновья…………………………………………………………….

3. Его спасли горно спасатели (resque) ………………………………………………………….

4. “Нам показали уже дорогу на станцию, спасибо.” …………………………………………..

5. Нас пригласят на открытие театра в следующем году ………………………………………

V. Put in a, the, some, any or (-).

1. I m always glad to get………………………. news from my Australian friends.

2. It was such a disappointment to hear what…….. terrible weather was forcasted for the week.

3. …….……time is……………………… money.

4. ………….economy will improve if…………………… oil is found here.

5. I went to the supermarket because I didn’t have

6. Could you give me……………….……..information, please?

7. Every morning my father gets to ……………..….work by tube.

8. You have to take……………………………….…medicine twice a day.

9. ………………….life is short. …….……………life of Charlie Chaplin was very interesting.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-19; Прочитано: 949 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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