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Listen to the dialogue and practice reading. (unit 16 d1)

Are you sure you said sheep?

Sheila: Tricia, come and I'll show you my sheep.

Patricia: Your sheep? Sheila, what sheep?

Sheila: My sheep.

Patricia: Are you sure you said sheep.

Sheila: Shh, don't shout. Of course I'm sure I said sheep. She's here in the shed.

Isn't she sweet? She was washed up on the shore at Shale Marsh.

Patricia: What a shame! Is it unconscious?

Sheila: She's a she. I shall call her Sheba. I should think she's suffering from shock.

Patricia: Do you think she was pushed off that Persian ship? Oh Sheila, she's shivering.

Sheila: My precious! She shall have a soft cushion and my cashmere shawl!

Patricia: She's rather special, isn't she? Sheila, I wish—oh, I do wish we could share her!

Practise a jazz chant.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-19; Прочитано: 855 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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