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Word List. shut down the engine [7SVt7daun 9E 7end3in] глушить двигатель bound for [7baund fO:] направляющийся в subsequently

shut down the engine [7SVt7daun 9E 7end3in] глушить двигатель
bound for [7baund fO:] направляющийся в
subsequently [7sVbsikwEntli] впоследствии, позднее
eventually [i7ventSuEli] в итоге, в конце концов
emergency landing [i7mE:d3(e)nsi 7lXndiN] аварийная посадка
concern [kEn7sE:n] интерес, беспокойство
low fuel levels [7lEu 7fjuEl 7lev(E)l] низкий уровень топлива
aviation safety expert [6eivi7eiS(E)n 7seifti 7ekspEt] эксперт по авиационной безопасности
issue a statement [7iSu: E 7steitmEnt] делать заявление
compromise [7kOmprEmaiz] подвергать риску, опасности
local resident [7lEuk(E)l 7rezidEnt] местный житель
spark [spa:k] искра
bang [bXN] громкий удар
engine failure [7end3in 7feiljE] отказ двигателя
under commercial pressure [VndE kE7mE:S(E)l 7preSE] из соображений коммерческой необходимости
bill [bil] счет
deny [di7nai] отрицать
apparently [E7pXr(E)ntli] очевидно
carry on [7kEri 7On] продолжать
alert [E7lE:t] предупреждать
fire services [7faiE 7sE:visiz] пожарные службы
twin-engine aircraft [7twin 7end3in 7BEkra:ft] двухдвигательный самолет
convince [kEn7vins] убеждать
inevitably [i7nevitEbli] неизбежно
increase [in7kri:s] увеличивать, усиливать

Exercise 9.2 Answer the questions.

1. Why did the aircraft have to make an emergency landing?

2. What did ATC controllers and local residents see?

3. What decision did the crew make after contacting their company offices?

4. How many passengers were there on board the aircraft?

5. Is it a problem to lose one engine on a four-engine aircraft?

6. Do you agree that the pilots were under commercial pressure?

Exercise 9.3 Say if these sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones.

1. A Boeing 747 had to shut down one of its four engines just after taking off from Heathrow on a flight bound for Los Angeles.

2. The aircraft eventually needed to make an emergency radio call Manchester, due to concerns over low fuel levels.

3. The airline issued a statement saying that the aircraft was able to operate on its three remaining engines with no risk to passengers.

4. The aircraft climbed to 2,000 ft and circled for some time while the pilots decided what to do next.

5. They informed passengers of the engine failure and contacted ATC personnel to discuss the situation.

6. Critics have claimed that the pilots might have been under time pressure to take this decision.

7. Under new European regulations, this bill could have been as high as $200,000.

8. The airline agrees that an expensive bill was a factor in the decision taken to fly on across the Atlantic.

9. Controllers at Los Angeles airport expected the pilots’ decision to carry on.

Exercise 9.4 Complete the sentences.

1. Just after taking off from Los Angeles A Boeing 747 had to ___________.

2. The aircraft subsequently continued ___________.

3. It eventually needed to make an emergency landing in Manchester, due to ___________.

4. Some aviation safety experts have questioned the decision of the pilots to continue with the flight rather than ___________.

5. The aircraft climbed to 5,000 ft and circled for some time while _________.

6. Critics have claimed that the pilots took this decision because they might have been __________.

7. A return to Los Angeles airport would have left the airline with an expensive bill for _________.

8. Controllers at Los Angeles airport were apparently surprised at __________.

9. They had alerted fire services in the expectation that ___________.

10. Other safety experts are convinced that the new European regulations will inevitably increase __________.

Exercise 9.5 Put the questions to the underlined words.

1. A Boeing 747 had to shut down one of its four engines

2. The aircraft needed to make an emergency landing in Manchester.

3. Some aviation safety experts have questioned the decision of the pilots.

4. Air traffic controllers and local residents saw sparks coming from the engine.

5. They informed passengers of the engine failure.

6. Critics have claimed that the pilots might have been under commercial pressure to take this decision.

7. This bill could have been as high as $200,000.

8. Controllers at Los Angeles airport were apparently surprised at the pilots’ decision to carry on.

9. There are lots of twin-engine aircraft crossing the Atlantic.

10. The new European regulations will increase the pressure on pilots.

Exercise 9.6 Match the equivalents.

1. Shut down one of its four engines 2. Make an emergency landing 3. Low fuel levels 4. Aviation safety experts 5. Question the decision of the pilots 6. Issued a statement 7. Take a decision 8. Under commercial pressure 9. Under new European regulations 10. Alert fire services 11. Twin-engine aircraft 12. Increase the pressure а. предупредить пожарные службы b. подвергать сомнению решение пилотов c. по новым европейским нормативным документам d. двухдвигательный самолет e. низкий уровень топлива f. эксперты по авиационной безопасности g. заглушить один из четырех двигателей h. усиливать давление i. принимать решение j. из соображений коммерческой необходимости k. произвести аварийную посадку l. делать заявление

Exercise 9.7 Match the definitions in the left column with the English equivalents in the right column.

1. Emergency landing   2. Fuel   3. Airline 4. Bang 5. Engine failure   6. Bill   7. Regulations   8. Alert 9. Climb   10. Jumbo a. a substance such as gas, oil, petrol, etc., which is burnt to produce heat or power b. a large wide-bodied aircraft capable of carrying several hundred passengers c. to warn or signal (troops, police, etc.) to prepare for action d. to increase altitude by use of power e. a landing made as a result of an in-flight emergency f. a company which manages air transport services for passengers or goods g. a situation in which an engine stops during running h. money owed for goods or services supplied i. a governmental or ministerial order having the force of law j. a short loud explosive noise, as of the bursting of a balloon or the report of a gun

Exercise 9.8 Define the parts of speech, find words with the opposite meaning in the text. Translate the pairs.

A few; landing; decrease; quiet; danger; cheap; unable; admit; before;


Exercise 9.9 Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words.

increase alert shut down airline operate issue twin engine regulations take off engine failure

1. If there is serious vibration, the crew should _________________ the engine concerned.

2. Jet transports _________________ at high altitudes.

3. The Civil Aviation Authority _________________ licences.

4. _________________ require the carriage of life-rafts when flying over water.

5. The pilot must make sure that the radio equipment is serviceable prior to _________________.

6. _________________ is sometimes accompanied by fire.

7. It is the cabin staff ’s responsibility to _________________ the flight crew if they see smoke coming from an engine.

8. Three broad categories of aircraft are considered – rotary wing aircraft, light single engine aircraft and _________________ aircraft.

9. Which _________________ is she working for, Air France or Air Canada?

10. The coats of paint on a large aircraft significantly _________________ its weight.

Exercise 9. 10 Find the words which are used as verbs and nouns. Make up the sentences with them.

Exercise 9.11 Translate the sentences into English.

1. Боингу 747 пришлось заглушить один из четырех двигателей сразу после вылета из Лос-Анджелеса.

2. Позднее, самолет продолжил свой полет в Лондон.

3. Некоторые эксперты по авиационной безопасности подвергли сомнениям решение пилотов продолжать полет, а не вернуться в Лос-Анджелес.

4. Авиакомпания сделала заявление, утверждая, что безопасность пассажиров не подвергалась риску.

5. ВС могло лететь на трех оставшихся двигателях без риска для пассажиров.

6. Диспетчеры и местные жители видели вылетавшие из двигателя искры, а пассажиры, а пассажиры сообщили, что слышали громкий удар сразу после взлета.

7. Критики заявили, что пилоты могли принять такое решение из соображений коммерческой необходимости.

8. Авиакомпания, однако, отрицает то, что это послужило фактором в принятии решения о перелете через Атлантику.

9. Диспетчеры в лос-анджелесском аэропорту удивились решению пилотов продолжать полет.

10. Некоторые эксперты по безопасности утверждают, что это не проблема потерять один двигатель на четырехдвигательном ВС.

Exercise 9.12 Make a short summary of the text.

Exercise 9.13 Retell the text.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 488 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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