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After that read the text aloud, trying to imitate the intonation. Microcirculatory disorders may easily be modeled using certain translucent organs of frog (tongue, interdigital swimming membrane

Microcirculatory disorders may easily be modeled using certain translucent organs of frog (tongue, interdigital swimming membrane, intestinal mesentery).

Arterial hyperemia model in the frog tongue

After destruction of the spinal cord (with a long needle through the spinal canal) place the frog (belly down) upon the board with an elliptic hole at one side, so that the lower jaw is fastened with two pins near the hole. Then pull out the tongue and spread it over the hole fastening it with pins at its muscle angles. Be careful not to use force in order to avoid precipitous development of microcirculation disorders. Examine the preparation at low magnification (x10). Select a portion abundant in blood vessels (arterioles, venules and capillaries). Pay attention to the size of the vessel lumen, the blood velocity and the separation of the lumen into axial and marginal plasmatic strata. Count the number of functioning capillaries. To maintain normal circulation do not bend the tongue or overextend it. Remember to moisten it with saline solution.

For modeling arterial hyperemia (neurotonic type) place a cotton swab soaked in turpentine and plant oil on the tongue. After that examine the preparation again, making notes of the changes in the aforementioned parameters.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 357 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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