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Complete this extract using words and expressions from the list above

Examiner: What is the development of ………. sex predetermined by in humans?

Student: It is predetermined by the presence of Y-chromosome.

Examiner: Is it important how many X-chromosomes are present for the development of the organism according to the masculine type?

Student: No matter how many X-chromosomes are present, provided there is a Y-chromosome. One Y-chromosome is enough for the ………. of the organism according to the masculine type

Examiner: What important function does the SRY-gene implement?

Student: SRY-gene is a ………. which activates a number of genes located in other ………. providing for the program of ………. synthesis in the ………..

Examiner: Is it the only function?

Student: SRY-gene also determines a high ………. content (part of testosterone is converted into estrogens), thus suppressing the feedback between the luteinising hormone and estrogens in the developing ………..

Examiner: And what happens in the absence of Y-chromosome (and SRY-gene), when the ………. is 46, XX or 45, X0 (Shereshevsky – Turner’s syndrome)?

Student: In this case the ………. and psychic type developed is feminine.

Examiner: How are the data of sex chromatin used?

The data of sex chromatin are used for the ………. of chromosomal sex and sex chromosomes aberrations and for the approximation of the proliferative activity of ………..

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 397 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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