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Ex.3 Read and translate the dialogue

C – Captain, CP – Co-pilot, CA – Cabin Attendant, T – Tokyo Ground Service, I – Inchon Ground Service

CP: What’s going on?

C: It sounds like someone trying to get in. Can you look on the video?

CP: OK…I can see him. The CAs struggling to restrain him. Oh…he’s hit one of the attendants.

C: OK, notify Centre.

CP: Centre. We might have a problem here. Flight 547.

T: Flight 547.

CP: It looks like they’ve forced him to the ground and got the cuffs on him.

CA: We have a problem back here with a violent passenger. We have restrained him, but he is still struggling.

CP: Is he drunk?

CA: I don’t think so, but he’s very agitated and abusive, He said we were in danger and he had to fly the plane. It must be a mental health problem.

CP: Is anyone hurt?

CA: No, we’re OK. What do you want us to do with him.

CP: Secure him, away from the other passengers if you can. Get someone to stay with him until we land.

C: Right, contact the ground service and tell them that we’ve got an unruly passenger. Request a diversion to the nearest suitable airfield. Have medical and security there to meet us.

CP: Centre. Flight 547. A passenger has attempted to enter the flight deck. He also attacked the cabin crew. There are injuries. We have restrained him but we need to get him off the plane as soon as possible.

T: Flight 547. Understand you have an unlawful interference. Please say fuel and persons on board.

CP: Er…178 persons and four hours of fuel remaining. Can we descend to the nearest available aerodrome? We’ll need medical and security services ready. Flight 547.

T: Flight 547. You are approaching Korean airspace. Contact Inchon Ground Service. I’ll advise them of your situation and pass on your request.

Hello, this is Tokyo Ground Service here. We have a problem with the flight 547, we expect it in your airspace.

I: What’s the problem?

T: We had a report from the flight crew. They said a passenger had attempted to enter the flight deck. The first officer said that the crew had restrained him, but believed he was still a threat.

I: Are there any injured persons?

T: The crew told me there were injuries, but they didn’t give details.

I: Did they state intentions?

T: They asked if they could descend to the nearest aerodrome, and they said they’d need medical and security services ready.

I: Thank you. Leave it with us.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 466 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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