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The New Achievers

And, as companies change from large hierarchical structures to smaller more flexible organizations, the communication skills and supportive approach of women are likely to become more valued. It was predominantly men who profited from 'the materialistic 80s', the age of the achiever. But it will be women who achieve the most in the future.

1. Which of the following points support the ideas expressed in the text?

a) Women are as entrepreneurial as men.

b) Most female managers prefer task-based jobs to people-centred ones.

c) Women tend to be more conscientious than men.

d) Women who do succeed in business have to become even more
ruthless than men.

e) Men are not as financially aware as women.

f) Women are more likely to be the mangers of the future than men are.

Match each of the words in the left column with a word from the right column to make nine word partnerships from the text.

1. senior a. budgeting

2. career b. structures

3. forward с. taking

4. light d. progress

5. risk e. organizations

6. high f. positions

7. hierachial g. skills

8. flexible h. planning

9.communication i. fliers

IV. In each of the following situations decide if you would give the applicant the job or not. Be prepared to justify your decision in each case.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 732 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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