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Vocabulary. take an opportunity-воспользоваться

take an opportunity - воспользоваться


attractive - привлекательный

assurance - уверение

appearance - внешний вид

draw the attention - привлечь внимание

naturally - естественно

firm offer - твердое предложение

replaceable - взаимозаменяемый

deadline - конечный срок

spare part - запасная часть

besides - кроме

value - зд. сумма

enclosed - прилагаемый

and over - и более

fittings - соединительные части

exceed - превышать

available - имеющийся

be subject (to) - подлежать

stock - зд. склад

discount - скидка

delivery - поставка

process - обрабатывать

asterisk - звёздочка (знак)

promptly - безотлагательно

install - устанавливать

The quotation in reply to an inquiry may be a simple one, con­taining simply the prices and other information asked for. Some businessmen, however, will take the opportunity to stimulate his correspondent’s interest in his goods or services by including the assurance that the customer will receive personal attention.

Offers are also sent without a preceding inquiry when a suppli­er wants to draw the attention of customers and new customers to a special product or range of goods. A firm offer is connected with certain conditions, a deadline for the receipt of orders, or a special price for certain quantities.

1. Read and translate this fax message:

Central Installations Glasgow Waltons Ltd.,

230 Snow St.





Our Ref: NA/ee 24th November, 200...

Bunbury Estate Builders

17 Fen Road




Dear Sirs,

In reply to your fax of 21st November, we have pleasure in enclosing a detailed quotation for bathroom showers. Besides those advertised in the 'Builders Journal', our cat­alogue also enclosed shows various types of bathroom fit­tings and the sizes available. Most types can be supplied from stock. 4-6 weeks should be allowed for delivery of those marked
with an asterisk.

Building contractors all over Britain have found our equipment easy to install and attractive in appearance. Nat­urally all parts are replaceable, and our quotation includes prices of spare parts. We can allow a 2% discount on all orders of $600 in value and over, orders exceeding $2,000 are subject

to 3% discount.

Any orders you place with us will be processed promptly.

Yours faithfully,


Sales Manager

Encl.: Quotation


II. Answer the questions:

1. What does a simple quotation contain?

2. What is a firm offer connected with?

3. What kind of enclosures do they send in replyto the inquiry
fax of 21st November?

4. What does the enclosed catalogue show?

5. Do they have only one type and size of bathroom fittings?

6. What kind of spare parts do they have?

7. What does their quotation include?

8. What discount can they allow on orders exceeding 2000 in

III. Memorize these phrases:

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 871 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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