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Read the dialogue and try to explain the idioms in bold

Celia: Hi, Rachel.

Rachel: Hi, Celia! How was your blind date last night?

Celia: Awful! Roger definitely wasn’t my cup of tea. I don’t know why Karen thought I’d like him. I think she was scraping the bottom of the barrel – he was incredibly rude, quit horrid, actually.

Rachel: Oh dear. What happened?

Celia: Well, first we decided to meet at the King’s Head for a drink, just to break the ice. I started to realize that I was in the soup when I heard him speaking to the barmaid – he was so impolite. And the way he kept shoveling peanuts into his mouth and talking at the same time turned my stomach.

Rachel: What were you talking about?

Celia: Oh, he was incredibly talkative and too self-confident. He tried to be humorous, but most of his jokes fell as flat as a pancake. He was monopolizing the conversation, no matter what subject we were on.

Rachel: He simply tried to produce an impression on you.

Celia: I think he was just showing off. I took his every word with a pinch of salt.

And then, just before we left, he knocked my glass of red wine all over me, and do you know what he said? “ It’s no use crying over spilt milk ”. I should have left there and then. He criticized my car all the way to the restaurant too, but when I asked him what he drove, he said he didn’t.

Rachel: Sounds like sour grapes to me.

Celia: Quite. Anyway at the restaurant, he started complaining that the meat was as dry as a bone. But it was delicious. I was really enjoying the meal. The chef clearly hadn’t cut the corners. When we asked for the bill, it turned out, that he had left his wallet at home. So I had to pick up the tab.

Rachel: Unbelievable! How did you end the date?

Celia: He asked for another date. Though I was fed up, I decided to sugar the pill and said that I was leaving for a couple of months.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 942 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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