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Complete the sentences with the words in bold

Bitterly cold, changeable, cut off, dark clouds, drought, global warming, gust of wind, heavy rain, mild climate, pouring down, sticky, struck by lightning, turned out, we’re in for, weather forecast, widespread damage

1. This area has got a fairly______, so we didn’t expect the temperature to fall so sharply.

2. A _______ blew my hat off and sent it flying across the road.

3. Tomorrow’s weather will be______with sunny periods and we got soaked to the skin.

4. The rain came ____________________ and we got soaked to the skin.

5. Some scientists claim that the unusual weather is the result of __________.

6. The hurricane swept through the islands, causing ____________________.

7. Many villages were __________________by heavy snowdrifts, and emergency supplies had to be taken in by helicopter.

8. That blackened tree over there was _________during a violent thunderstorm.

9. It was so hot and ______________________ during the day that we soon got warm out if we tried to do any hard physical work.

10. If this ___________________ continues, water will have to be rationed.

11. In the distance, ___covered the sky and you could hear the rumble of thunder.

12. It’s _________________ nice again, hasn’t it? Yes, it has. Let’s hope it lasts.

13. It looks as if ___________ a spell of showery weather over the next few days.

14. It was so ___________________ that I kept the central heating at maximum and put on a heavy pullover.

15. Due to _________ the pitch was flooded and the match had to be abandoned.

16. According to the _______, the maximum temperature today should be about thirty degrees.

33. Use the Vocabulary below to tell about

your favourite weather

the weather you dislike

disasters we have in the world / in your country

the weather outside

typical weather for your country

Good / Warm weather Bad / Cold weather
marvelous glorious fine wonderful soft mild sunny cool hot rainy   Stuffy awful nasty chilly changeable windy foggy misty dull catching cold moist frosty snowy wet damp humid

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1479 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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