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An ideal way of travelling

1. Practise saying, translate and learn the vocabulary:

Cultural holiday

package holiday

camping holiday

beach holiday

cycling holiday

winter break


water sports holiday

ski resort

guided tours

to go abroad

to look for unforgettable holiday

to like exotic places

ancient architecture

to love the outdoors

to try local cuisine

white-water rafting

to see stunning wildlife

to visit famous landmarks

rare birds

luxurious hotels

beachfront hotels

tropical rainforests

hotel facilities

to go trekking


to offer a dramatic setting,


bird-watching enthusiasts,

early risers,

to catch a glimpse of,

spectacular natural habitat,

incredible view,

in style,

once-in-a-lifetime trip,

on the beach,

to pack suitcase,

shoulder bag,

to travel by bus/plane/bike,

to go on foot,

to book the holiday,

to get on the bus,

to miss the plane,

to ride the bike,

to catch the train,

to come across,

to come out,

to come round,

to come into a fortune

Interview your groupmates about their last trip.



Who/ with?

How/ get there?

Where/ stay? How long/ stay?

What was the weather like? Hotel? Food? People?

What/ do/ during the day? At night?

How much/ spend? Buy any souvenirs?

/ meet anybody interesting?

/ a good time?

/ any problems?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 991 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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