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Fill in the following diagram, use adjectives in the table, then use them to describe your neighbour

tall; broad-shouldered; square; thick; long; snub; wide; double; spiky; bushy; muscular; middle-aged; arched; button; almond-shaped; blond; oval; in his early\ late teens \twenties; rosy; short; grey; curly; dark; freckled; plump; ginger; medium height; split; smooth; crooked; fair; overweight; white even; wrinkled.

9. (A) Divide the following adjectives according to their positive and negative meanings; find the synonyms and pairs of opposites:

Bored; confident; a man of no character; weak-willed; tense; enterprising; (ir)responsible; persistent; humorous; ambitious; open to change; nosy; reserved; hard-working; easy-going; curious; bulling (bullheaded); reasonable; arrogant; wicked; shy; emotional; stubborn; calm; selfish; rude; frank; obstinate; naughty; industrious; hot-tempered; bright; ill-mannered; well-bred; bright; fussy; relaxed; intelligent; smart; open-handed; (im)patient; (im)polite; irritated; interesting; honest; (in)sensitive; caring; cheerful; sad; depressed; ecstatic; generous; furious; miserable; pleased; nervous; angry; (un)friendly; easy-going; disappointed; absent-minded; envious; pragmatic; sincere; mean; lazy; clever; stupid; sociable; timid; coward.

(B) Choose five words from the list which describe you. Is there any quality you don’t have but would like to have? What, in your opinion, is the worst quality?

(C) How would you describe the person in each of these descriptions?

1. He never bought me a drink all the time we were together.

2. I have to tell her what to do every minute of the working day. She wouldn’t even open a window without someone’s permission.

3. He often promises to do things but half the time he forgets.

4. She is always here on time.

5. I don’t think he’s done any work since he’s been here.

6. She finds it difficult to meet people and talk to strangers.

7. He could work in any of the departments, and it doesn’t matter to him whether he’s on his own or part of a team.

8. One of the great things about her is that she is so aware of what other people think or feel.

9. Bob, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. He is always making people angry or upset because he just doesn’t consider their feelings.

10. The other thing about Bob is that he really wants to get the supervisor’s job and then become boss for the whole department.

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