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Student Nastya Savchuk

I’m Nastya Savchuk. I’m nineteen. I’m from Novosyolovka, a village in Donetsk region. I study at Donetsk National University. I’m in my third year. I take a course in pure mathematics at the Faculty of Mathematics. I like my course, but the first year was very difficult. I faced the biggest challenge of my studies, Calculus. I couldn’t pass my exam in Calculus at a first go and felt so frustrated that I was about to quit university, but my parents, teachers and friends encouraged me to continue my studies. So I pulled myself together, met the challenge, and now I’m a third-year student. After my fourth year I’m going to teach mathematics at my own school in Novosyolovka.

I live in a hall of residence and now I love it. There are so many friends. If you have problems with you homework there is always someone who can help you. But it took some time to get used to living here: at first I couldn’t fall asleep because of the noise. Now I don’t pay attention to it.

Task 1. Answer the questions about your student

a. How old is he/she?

b. Did he/she finish school this year?

c. Did he/she take entrance examinations?

d. What faculty is he/she studying at?

e. What course does he/she take?

f. What’s he/she going to be?

g. Where does he/she live?

Task 2. Check your answers with your group


Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 448 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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