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Ex. 4. Translate the sentences paying special attention to the italicized parts

1.He was in his late eighties.

2.Elaine Kent was well in her twenties.

3.They were long past forty.

4.He didn’t look his age.

5.We were born in the same generation.

6.Roma was two years my senior.

7.He was seven years her junior.

8.He is of short lived stock.

9.My family on both sides is noted for longevity.

10.Bairne is gone.

Grammar: The Verb “To Have”.

The verb “to have” in the Present Indefinite Tense.

Positive form Negative Form Questions
I have (got) (I’ve got) I have not got Have I got?
Youhave (got)(You’ve got) You have not got Have you got?
Hehas (got)(he’s got) He has not got Has he got?
Shehas (got)(she’s got) She has not got Has she got?
Ithas (got)(it’s got) It has not got Has it got?
Wehave (got)(we’ve got) We have not got Have we got?
Youhave (got)(you’ve got) You have not got Have you got?
Theyhave (got)(they’ve got) They have not got Havetheygot?

In negatives and questions you can also use do / does + have.

They don’t have any children. (= They haven’t got any children.)

Does Ann have a car?(= Has Ann got a car?)

When to have is used in the following expressions:

· to have dinner (breakfast) -обедать, завтракать

· to have tea (coffee) - пить чай, кофе

· to have a bath (a shower) - принять ванну, душ

· to have a shave (a wash) -побриться, помыться

· to have a rest (a sleep, a dream) -отдохнуть, поспать, помечтать

· to have a holiday (a good time) -отдохнуть, хорошо провести время

in negative and interrogative forms it takes the auxiliary verb to do:

Do you have tea or coffee for breakfast?

Where does he have dinner?

Ex. 5. Put in have got (‘ve got), has got(‘s got),haven’t got or hasn’t got.

1.They like flowers. They’ve got a lot of roses in their garden.

2. Jane hasn’t got a car. She goes everywhere

3. Everybody likes Tom. He …. a lot of friends.

4. Mr. and Mrs. Eastwood …. two children, a boy and a girl.

5. An insect …. six legs.

6. I can’t open the door. I ….a key.

7. Quick! Hurry! We …. much time.

8. “What’s wrong?”- “I ….. something in my eye.”

9. Ben doesn’t read much. He …. many books.

10. It’s a nice town. It …. a very nice shopping center.

11. Mother is going to the dentist.

12.”Where is my newspaper?”- “I don’t know. I …. It.”

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 998 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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