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Topical vocabulary. 1. get acquainted with smb познакомиться с кем-либо

1. get acquainted with smb познакомиться с кем-либо

(become acquainted with smb;

make smb acquaintance;

make the acquaintance of smb)

2. acquaintance (n) знакомый

3. have a nodding acquaintance только раскланиваться с кем-л

4. introduce smb. to smb. представить кого- либо

5. be introduced to smb. быть представленным кому-либо

6. introduce oneself представиться

7. meet (v) smb (зд.) познакомиться с кем-либо

8. address (v) обращаться к кому-либо

9. know smb. быть знакомым с кем-либо

10. know by sight знать в лицо

11. letter of introduction рекомендательное письмо

12. visiting (calling) card визитная карточка

13. shake hands пожимать руку

14. spell (one’s name) назвать по буквам

15. friend друг

16. close (intimate) friend близкий друг

17. bosom friend закадычный друг

18. make friends with smb. помириться

make friends again

19. make a friendly chat поболтать

Forms of Address:

First name - to friends

Mr Brown - to a man we don 't know well

Mrs Brown - to a married woman we don't know well

Miss Brown - to a girl or unmarried woman

“Mr", “Mrs”, “Miss” alone is not a polite form of address

Sir - to a man who is clearly older/more senior

- to an officer in the armed forces

- as a title, followed by the first name

-used by shop assistants, waiters, policemen

-by schoolchildren to their men – teachers

Madam - used by shop assistants, waiters

- rarely used to address a stranger

(more usual “Excuse me, please”)

- not used to address a woman- teacher

Miss - to a woman - teacher by primary

(Miss / Mrs plus surname is used) school children

Doctor (alone) - medical practitioners

Doctor Brown - to a person with a degree (PhD)

Professor (with/without surname) - to a university professor

Ladies and Gentlemen - to an audience

Officer - to a policemen

Waiter, porter, nurse - to a person of certain occupation

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