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Previews. Rank It!:Which human right is the most important?

Rank It!: Which human right is the most important? Rank the rights in order. Remember to support your decisions.

1. freedom of speech

2. right to a fair trial

3. freedom of assembly

4. freedom of religion

5. right to receive an education
Fragments: Remember how the fragments were used, and complete the sentence from today's article.

1. In particular, the report strongly criticized...

2. As the world's only superpower, the US should...

3. The detention center at Guantanamo Bay...

4. China has clearly become an important global power, and so...

5. On the positive side, though, there were...

Post-Comprehension: Talk about the following questions in pairs/groups. Remember to support your answers!

1. Do you think the report will have any affect on governments around the world?

2. Were you surprised by the information about the US? Why/not?

3. Were you surprised by the information about China? Why/not?

4. Have you ever felt that your rights had been violated? If yes, what happened? If

no, what would you do?

5. What are human rights like in your country? Please explain the pluses and minuses.

Google Search: Type "Amnesty International" into Google. Look at the websites, and/or read additional articles on this topic. Discuss or write an essay about your findings.

№ 10.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 306 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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