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Grammar revision. Ex. 1. Multiple choice: gerunds and infinitives: choose the correct answer for each GAP below

Ex.1. MULTIPLE CHOICE: GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES: Choose the correct answer for each gap below.

1. After his insulting comments, I thought Jack deserved _____ (to be, being) fired.

2. Max avoided _____ (using. to use) his cell phone when other people were in the room.

3. We arranged _____ (having, to have) a taxi pick us up and take us to the airport.

4. I resent _____ (to be, being) treated like a servant in my own home!

5. Frank completed _____ (to build, building) the new barn last week. Next, he is going to paint it red.

6. Don't worry, I don't mind _____ (to make, making) dinner. I think I'll make fish with steamed vegetables and a big salad on the side!

7. Crying, the mother looked into the television camera and said, "Society will no longer tolerate _____ (drinking and driving, to drink and to drive)."

8. Karen and Neil would like _____ (trying, to try) that new dance club downtown. It's supposed to have one of the largest dance floors in the world.

9. I can't see _____ (to buy, buying) a car when you don't even have a driver's license. That doesn't make any sense!

10. When do you wish _____ (to begin, beginning), now or later?

Ex.2. MULTIPLE CHOICE: GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES: Choose the correct answer for each gap below.

1. He expects _____ (finishing, to finish) his studies next summer.

2. National park officials do not permit _____ (entering, to enter) the park without an official guide. You can hire one at the park office.

3. He offered _____ (to carry, carrying) her books on the way home.

4. The archaeologist reported _____ (to find, finding) a large, previously unknown pyramid deep in the jungle.

5. Samantha keeps _____ (to forget, forgetting) to send us the documents. We need to have them by next week!

6. Felix decided not _____ (accepting, to accept) the position in Miami because he wanted to stay in New York.

7. _____ (Exercising and eating, Exercise and eat) right can help you live a long and healthy life.

8. The refugees risked _____ (being, to be) captured as they tried to escape through the mountains.

9. You have to wait forever at the doctor's office. I suggest _____ (taking, to take) a good book to help kill time.

10. Mr. Miller asked _____ (to be, being) included in the meeting with the new clients.

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