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Ex. 14. European Union discussion


a) What did you think when you read the headline?
b) What springs to mind when you hear the term ‘European Union’?
c) What do you think of Ireland voting no?
d) Do you think people in other EU countries will be angry with the Irish?
e) How deep is the EU crisis in the wake of Ireland’s rejection?
f) Do you think this is a good example of “the little guy” having a say?
g) Is it right that a country with less than one percent of the EU population can destroy such an important treaty?
h) Do you think the EU needs to be reformed?
i) Do you think this no vote makes the EU weaker in the world?
j) Do you think all EU citizens should vote in their own referendum?


a) Did you like reading this article?
b) Do you think the Lisbon Treaty is now dead in the water?
c) If larger EU countries continue to try and ratify the treaty, does this mean they don’t care about the Irish vote?
d) Do you think President Sarkozy can paper over the cracks?
e) Do you think the EU will integrate more or less in the future?
f) Should the Irish have been happy with how the EU has improved their country and voted ‘yes’?
g) Does your country have any international treaties you don’t agree?
h) What do you think will happen to the Lisbon Treaty from now?
i) What questions would you like to ask President Sarkozy?
j) Did you like this discussion on the European Union?
9. (a) walls (b) cracks (c) windows (d) divides
10. (a) sum (b) add (c) multiply (d) count
11. (a) on (b) in (c) into (d) out
12. (a) solution (b) solve (c) soluble (d) solutions

Ex.15. WRITING: Write about the European Union for 10 minutes. Correct your partner’s paper.

Ex.16. SPEKING: Speak on the European Union.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 328 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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