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Grammar revision

Ex.1.GRAMMAR TENSES MIX: Fill the gaps with verbs in the correct tenses.


1. In the year 122 AD, the Roman Emperor Hadrian (visit) ________ his provinces in Britain.

2. On his visit, the Roman soldiers (tell) _______ him that Pictish tribes from Britain's north (attack) ________ them.

3. So Hadrian (give) __________ the order to build a protective wall across one of the narrowest parts of the country.

4. After 6 years of hard work, the Wall (finish) _________ in 128.

5. It (be) _________ 117 kilometres long and about 4 metres high.

6. The Wall (guard) _________ by 15,000 Roman soldiers.

7. Every 8 kilometres there (be) ______ a large fort in which up to 1,000 soldiers (find) _______ shelter.

8. The soldiers (watch) ______ over the frontier to the north and (check) ________the people who (want) _________ to enter or leave Roman Britain.

9. In order to pass through the Wall, people (must go) ________ to one of the small forts that (serve) _________ as gateways.

10. Those forts (call) ________ milecastles because the distance from one fort to another (be) ________ one Roman mile (about 1,500 metres).

11. Between the milecastles there (be) _______ two turrets from which the soldiers (guard) _________ the Wall.

12. If the Wall (attack) ______ by enemies, the soldiers at the turrets (run) ______ to the nearest milecastle for help or (light) ________ a fire that (can / see) _______ by the soldiers in the milecastle.

13. In 383 Hadrian's Wall (abandon)__________.

14. Today Hadrian's Wall (be) ­­­_______ the most popular tourist attraction in northern England.

15. In 1987, it (become) ___________ a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 383 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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