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Working on the article. Kyoto Protocol heated bra developed

Kyoto Protocol heated bra developed

(from http://www.freeeslmaterials.com)

The lingerie company “Triumph International” has developed a bra that may help reduce global warming. Women can now keep warm and protect the environment. The bra is very fluffy and a little bulky. It is full of reusable gel pads that can be heated in a microwave or boiling water. The eco-bra may not be chic and sleek, but might please women who prefer extra padding. Triumph recently unveiled the bra in Japan as part of its “Warm Biz” campaign. It hopes the bra will keep women warmer and reduce the need for heating. This will cut the amount of greenhouse gases in the environment.

A spokesperson for Triumph Japan said: “We hope this will not only help prevent global warming but also provide a little fashion chic to the office.” The bra comes only in white and has matching shorts. It has an attached scarf that is meant to keep one’s neck warm. It also has a small, red, chili pepper-shaped pendant hanging from the front. Unfortunately, the heated lingerie set is still at the development stage and will not be in the stores any time soon. Triumph will instead use the technology to develop a range of warm and eco-friendly clothing. It wants to produce functional clothes that help save the planet.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 376 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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