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III. Choose a), b) or c) to complete the following statements about the text

1. The UN sends peacekeepers to armed conflict regions ….

a) to continue military actions;

b) to enforce the terms of peace agreements;

c) to resume hostilities.

2. Peacekeeping forces are voluntarily provided ….

a) by member states of the UN;

b) only by the USA;

c) only by the NATO countries.

3. … made peacekeeping agreements extremely difficult.

a) The expansion of NATO;

b) The formation of the EU;

c) The outbreak of Cold War.

4. Following the end of the Cold War, there were renewed calls for the UN to be successful …

a) to become the agency for achieving the world peace;

b) to develop conflicts between different states;

c) to curb the arms race.

5. A 2005 RAND Corp study found the UN to be successful ….

a) in one out of five peace-keeping actions;

b) in four out of eight cases at peace;

c) in two out of three peace-keeping actions.

IV. Match the verbs with the appropriate nouns.

1. to enforce a) hostilities
2. to resume b) conflicts
3. to prevent c) the terms of agreements
4. to present d) the peace
5. to keep e) evidence

V. Make up sentences with the phrases you’ve got.

VI. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following Russian phrases.

По решению Совета Безопасности; направлять миротворцев; вооруженный конфликт; возобновление вражды; миротворческие соглашения; нарушение прав человека.

VII. Make the summary of the text “The UN Peacekeeping missions”.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 371 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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