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Exercise 4. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence

1. … is one function a retailer may perform. 1. mail-order

2. You can buy newspapers, cigarettes, cookies 2. discount

from a.... 3. vending-machine

3. … the most expensive link in the chain 4. to guarantee

between a producer and a consumer. 5. retailer

l) The firm... good quality of the product. 6. extending credit

m) She doesn't like to go shopping, she prefers 7. link

to do it by....

n)The department store is having a sale and

there is a 20 per cent... on all light dresses.

o)Wholesaler is an important... between

a producer and a consumer.

Exercise 5. Answer the questions using the text “Retailing”.

1. What is retailing?

2. What are four different types of retail stores?

3. What are at least two types of retailing that do not include the use of a store?

4. In what way does a retailer serve a customer?

5. In what way does a retailer serve a manufacturer?

6. Which per cent of the price of the good sold goes to the retailer?

7. What is the trend with a single line retailer now?

Exercise 6. Read and translate the dialogue.

Jean has just moved into a new house. Her neighbour, Liz, has come over to welcome her.

Jean I am very glad to see you here.

Liz How do you like the new place?

Jean It's marvelous. I am sure we are going to love living here.

Liz Well, have a look, here! It's a shopping guide for the neighbourhood, and a booklet of discount coupons. New neighbours always receive them. There is one coupon for every store in the shopping guide.

Jean Oh, thank you. It's come in time. I have a lot of shopping to do.

Liz I can imagine, having just moved in. Not far from here there's a very good shopping centre. You can also find a huge supermarket, a drugstore, some department stores in the neighbourhood.

Jean Great. Are there any small stores nearby?

Liz Oh, yes. The map is right here in the shopping guide. There is a little drugstore a few blocks away, a little grocery store next to it, a little boutique, an ice cream parlor, a pizza place. You can find a plant store not far from here too.

Jean Are there any good discount houses nearby? We terribly need a new toaster. Everybody in my family likes toasts for breakfasts very much. I'd like to buy it.

Liz Oh, sure. There is a good discount store; in the shopping centre. If you like, I'll come with you.

Jean Oh, you needn't. I don't want to trouble you.

Liz No trouble at all. I'd like to do some shopping too. If we go to the discount centre I can go to that little cheese shop. I don't want to bother you. Make out your shopping list and I'll be your guide. By the way, you can use your discount coupon for the toaster.

Jean Well, it'll take some time to make a shopping list. I'll have to buy a lot at the grocer's.

Liz This is a good idea. I should have gone shopping yesterday, so I'll make up my list too.

Jean By the way, I like your dress very much. It's a perfect fit. Where did you buy it, if you don't

mind my asking?

Liz Thank you for a compliment. I got it at a very nice little boutique. It's a bit

expensive, but there are many interesting and original things. If you are

interested we can stop there.

Jean I'm afraid I can't. I have to cook dinner.

Liz Oh, don't trouble yourself with the dinner. Look over the coupons I've given you. You can go out to dinner at a discount store.

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