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Lesson 12

1. Comment on the following English proverbs:

1. Live and learn.

2. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening

2. Read and memorize the new words and word combinations:

education [ِedju:´kei∫n] – освіта

secondary education – середня освіта

elementary education – початкова освіта

a primary school [´praiməri] – початкова школа

a state school – державна школа

a private school [´praivit] – приватна школа

a core curriculum [kɔ: kə´rikjuləm] – базовий навчальний план

a school curriculum – шкільний навчальний план

knowledge [´nכlidʒ] – знання

a profound knowledge [prə´faund] – поглиблені знання

a national minority – національна меншість

a native language – рідна мова

a mother tongue [tʌŋ] – рідна (материнська) мова

to enter a university – вступити до університету

an evening department – вечірнє відділення

an extramural department [´ekstrə´mjuərəl] – заочне відділення

a graduate [´grædjueit] – випускник (інституту, університету)

a school leaver – випускник (школи)

3. Read the text and answer the questions.


The right to education in Ukraine is guaranteed by the Constitution (Article 53). Every boy or girl must get secondary education; it means that secondary education is compulsory in our country. There are states schools where education is free of charge and private primary and secondary schools where pupils have to pay for their studies.

Every school has a core curriculum and a school curriculum. The core curriculum includes Ukrainian, Ukrainian literature, mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography, world literature, a foreign language and others. As each citizen of Ukraine has the right to get secondary education in the mother tongue, there are schools for national minorities in which pupils study their native language. I most of them all the school subjects are taught in that language.

After finishing the 9th form of a secondary school young people can go to the 10th form or to a vocational or technical school (it is colleges now). The kinds of secondary educational establishments are lyceums and gymnasiums. They offer programmes giving a profound knowledge in some field of study. After getting secondary education a graduate can start working or enter an institute, an academy or a university. Many academies and universities have extramural departments.


1. What guarantees the right to education in Ukraine?

2. Is secondary education free of charge?

3. Is secondary education compulsory in Ukraine?

4. Are there schools for national minorities in your town?

5. What subjects do you study in your school?

6. Are you going to continue your education after finishing your school?

7. You are going to enter a university, aren’t you?

4. Read the jokes and retell them.

“I wish”, said an anxious1 mother to her careless2 son, “I wish you would pay a little attention to your arithmetic.” “Well, I do, ” was the reply, “I pay as little attention to it as possible.”

1 anxious [´æŋk∫əs] – збентежена

2 careless [´kɛəlis] – легковажний


During an examination before Christmas, one of the students did not know how to answer the question, ‘What causes1 a depression?’ – so he wrote: “God knows2! I don’t know. Merry Christmas!”

When the examination papers came back, the student saw that the professor had written on his paper: “God gets 1003, you get zero. Happy New Year!”

1 to cause [kכ:s] – спричиняти

2 God knows! – Бог його знає!

3 to get 100 – отримати найвищу оцінку

5. Translate into English in writing.

1. Громадяни України мають право на освіту. 2. Право на освіту гарантується Конституцією України. 3. Моя молодша сестра навчається у початковій школі. 4. Національні меншини України мають право на освіту рідною мовою. 5. Твоя рідна мова українська, чи не так? 6. Випускники школи мають право поступити до інституту, університету чи академії. 7. Твій брат навчається на вечірньому відділенні, чи не так?

6. Write the correct word from those in brackets (Consult § 12).

1. I want to say (something, anything). 2. Do you want to say (something, anything)? 3. Is there (something, anything) in the bag? There is (anything, nothing) in it. It is empty. 4. I have (some, any) English books. 5. I read (some, any) stories in my English books. 6. Do you have (some, any) English books? 7. My mother has bought (some, any) butter. 8. I don’t have (some, any) French books. 9. Do you speak (some, any) foreign Languages? – Yes, I do. I speak (some, any) foreign languages. I speak English and Russian.

7. Translate into English (Consult §17, 19, 23, 24)

1. Куди ти йдеш? – Я іду в бібліотеку. 2. Ми бачили її вчора. Вона працювала в саду. 3. Учні складають екзамени один раз на рік. 4. Хто зараз у спортзалі? – Там тренуються учні нашої групи. Вони тренуються двічі на тиждень. 5. Що робив ваш син у дев’ятій годині вечора? – Читав якусь книжку. В цей час він завжди читає книжки або дивиться телевізор. 6. Я бачив тебе, коли ти бігав вулицею. Куди ти поспішав?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 449 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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