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Vocabulary Studying

anxiety noun

the slote of being worried and nervous about something that is going to happen or about something that might happen. Anxious adjective worried and nervous about something that Is going lo happen or something that might happen.

bum-out noun

a state of extreme physical and mental tiredness caused

by overwork. A burn out verb

to become extremely tired because of overworking over a period of time.

email noun

{short for electronic mail

a method of sending messages or information from one person or company to another by means of computers using a telephone service and a modem; a

message sent in this way a email verb to send a message by email.

ethos noun

the beliefs, ideas and altitudes associated with a particular group, period of time, etc.

exhaustion noun

state of extreme tiredness. Exhausted adjective extremely tired.

fatigue noun

a state of great tiredness,often because of hard work or


immune system noun the system in the body, consisting of cells, (issues, etc, which fights against infection. immune to verb If you are immune to a particular disease it means that you are protected from and will not catch it because you have been vaccinated against it, because you have had the disease before, or because you are naturally resistant to it.

insomnia noun the inability lo fall asleep or to stay asleep long enough to get enough rest, especially when this happens over a period of time. Insomniac noun person who suffers from insomnia.

leisure pursuit noun something which you do when you are not at work and can enjoy yourself, a hobby, a pastime.

presenteeism noun The act of staying in your workplace for far longer than you are supposed to, and often for far longer than you actually need to.

pressure noun 1 the force which is produced when you press something; the applying of a firm weight or force against something. 2 the things which a person has to do in the course of
work, etc and which often cause worry and anxiety; the
worry and anxiety caused in this way.,

productivity noun the rate at which a company produces goods or provides services, usually considered in relation to the number of people the company employs and the amount of materials which it uses productive adjective producing a great deal.

promote verb 1 to move someone to a more senior job or position in a firm or organization. 2 to advertise or give publicity to something. promotion noun the act of promoting someone or something; the state of being promoted.

Statistic noun piece of information from a collection of data, shown in numbers. statistics noun plural a collection of data shown innumbers and based on the number of times something happens.

Stress noun 1 worry and anxiety caused by overwork or some other difficult situation. stressful adjective causing stress; invohrhg stress. 2 the special importance or emphasis given

to something. 3 an extra force or emphasis used when pronouncing a particular syllable or word.

switch off verb (Informal) to stop thinking about something; to stop paying attention.

target noun

1 a result or goal which you are trying to achieve. 2 an object which is aimed at in shooting practice, darts, etc, often a round board with circles on it. target verb to aim or direct something at someone.

tension noun a feeling of anxiety and worry that makes it very difficult to relax.

toll, take its toll on to have a very bad effect onsomeone.

workload noun the amount of work someone has to do.

workforce noun[with singular or plural verb]

all the people who work for a particular company or industry; all of the people in a country who are employed or available for work.

workplace noun the piece where you work, an office, factory, etc.

Vocabulary Building

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 483 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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