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Put the visible results of your work into the Language Portfolio (translations, essays, theses of reports, etc.)

1. Listen to the text and fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the text:

My School Day.

This text is about one English boy. He is … (1) years old. He studies in the … (2) form. He is rather careless and in the morning he cannot find his … (3). So he is late for his school as the rule. The first lesson on Monday is … (4). But the boy does not like to work hard on it. He asks the girl who sits next to him what the answers are. The girl … (5).

Then at … (6) o’clock the schoolchildren have time for a break. After break they have two lessons of … (7). At … (8) o’clock it is time to have lunch. They usually have … (9) for lunch. After that the children may go to the playground. The boys play football there.

Then the children have their last lesson. It is … (10). After school the boy goes for a walk with his friends and comes home very late. He has no time to do all his homework as there is interesting program on TV.

2. Study the table showing the difference between the American and the British systems of education:

Public school (a school paid by the Public school (an expensive private
government) school) (Eton, Harrow, Winchester)
Kindergarten (the first year of school Kindergarten – nursery for children
school at the age of 5) aged 4 or 5
Elementary school (grade school) - Primary school - children aged between
children aged between 5 and 11 5 and 11
Grade Form
Junior high school (12/13-14) Secondary school (11-18)
High school (14-17) Sixth form college
To graduate from school To finish school
A university = a college = a school A college does not give a degree.
(gives a degree) A university gives a degree.
A graduate course = a course taken A post graduate course
after graduation from the university  
or college  
To be in School / College / University To be at School / College / University
A freshman A first year student
A sophomore A second year student
A junior A third year student
A senior A fourth year student
A semester – one of the two periods A term - one of the three periods a
that a year is divided into at schools year is divided into at schools and
and universities universities
First semester Autumn term
Second semester Spring term
A quarter – one of the four main Summer term
periods a year is divided into at some  
some American schools  
Instructor Lecturer
Dean Professor
Department Faculty
Student Pupil
To take a class (in business) To take a course (in business)
To flank out – to leave school before To drop out – to leave school before
you have finished it you have finished it

2.1 Match the types of schools to the descriptions. Then read the text to check your guesses. 2.2 Which are the most common/uncommon in your country?

  1. Boarding school  
  2. Single-sex school  
  3. Co-educational school  
  4. State school  
  5. Private school  
  6. Specialist school  

a) A school for boys and girls.

b) A school you usually have to pay to go to.

c) A school students go to for a particular reason (e.g. to become actors)

d) A school for only boys or only girls.

e) A school owned by the government.

f) A school which students live in during school term

3. Read the text:

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 512 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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