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Be prepared

Have a building evacuation plan, know the plan, and practice the plan (Fire Drills).

Post building evacuation plans throughout your workplace.

Learn the location of the two nearest exits from your work area.

Count the doors, desks, work stations, etc. between your workplace and the nearest exit. Due to smoke or a power failure, an escape in the dark may be necessary.

Know the location of the nearest fire alarm; know how to use it and be familiar with its signal.

Never block exits with furniture, equipment, materials or trash.

Never block stairway doors open and keep all stairways and landings clear. Nothing can be placed or stored in stairways.

Don’t panic

Call 01 to report emergencies – don’t assume anyone else called for help. When talking to emergency personnel, remain calm and give the dispatcher as much information as you know.

Never use the elevator during fire. You may become trapped if the power goes out.

Feel a door handle with the back of your hand for heat, then, feel the door starting at the bottom and moving to the top. If the door is hot, don’t open it as smoke and flames may enter the room. If the door is cool, open it slowly and be prepared to quickly close it if smoke or heat rushes in.

Leave quickly, closing doors as you go to contain fire and smoke.

If you encounter smoke or fire during your escape, use another exit. If caught in smoke, get as low as possible to the floor and move towards the exit. Heat and smoke rise so cleaner air will be near the floor.

Once outside, move away from the building and proceed to your designated meeting location. If coworkers are still inside, notify emergency personnel. Don’t attempt to re-enter the building until EHS, Police or Fire officials say it is safe to re-enter.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 562 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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