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Exercise 23. Insert the Past Indefinite, Past Perfect, or Past Perfect Continuous

1. After some desultory conversation, the Director inquired how long he __ Montanelli. (to know) (Voynich) 2. It was almost dinner-time by then, and we __ no food all day, but neither of us was hungry, (to have) (Hilton) 3. We __ in silence for some time when Ah-Yen spoke, (to smoke) (Leacock) 4. The party __ already __ for a week before I could get away from London, (to sail) (Snow) 5. Breakfast __ long __ on the table, when Arthur came tearing into the room, (to be — negative) (Voynich) 6. Me. Morrough, who __ my doctor for some years and __ also my friend, came at once, (to be, to be) (Hansford Johnson) 7....since his arrival in April he __ simply __ round the house, helping Ann with the washing up, running errands, (to hang) (Murdoch) 8. She __ there more than two months when she fell down a flight of steps and hurt her spine, (te be — negative) (Mansfield) 9. He found that he __ stockstill for over half an hour, wrestling with his thoughts, (to stand) (Lindsay) 10. Bertha __ at her husband since he came into the room, unable in astonishment to avert her eyes, (to look) (Maugham) 11. For a week the Gadfly __ in a fearful state, (to lie) (Voynich) 12. After he __ about three hours, he arrived at the Doctor's house, (to walk) (Wilde) 13. The Carrier expected that Tackleton would pay him an early visit, and he was right. He __ to and fro before his open door many minutes when he saw the toy merchant coming in his chaise along the road, (to walk — negative) (Dickens) 14. They __ from noon till sunset, (to journey) (Ch. Bronte) 15. Marian broke up their talk, and told Mr. Townsend to run away to her mother, who __ for the last half hour to introduce him to Mr. Almond, (to wish) (James) 16. I went into a fish-and-chip shop in a poor street near the station. I __.since lunch and I ordered myself a twopenny portion of chips, (to eat — negative) (Cronin) 17. The feeling of an overhanging disaster, which __ ever since his father's stroke, settled down over his mind, (to grow) (Lindsay)

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1370 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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