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Trojan Horse Texts

Some attackers will send spam text messages to your mobile phone that appear to be from your network provider or financial institution. These Trojan horse text messages may direct you to a malicious site or request permission to install an update that will change the settings on your cell phone to allow the attackers to capture usernames, passwords, and other sensitive information from your device.

Go to the source for updates a news: If you receive a text message that appears to be from a trustworthy source, but it directs you to install or update software, or if it initiates the installation and requests permission to continue, immediately exit the text-messaging app and contact the customer service department for the wireless provider or business in question to verify whether the software is legitimate.

You may receive a lot of unsolicited e-mail from companies that you do business with – e-mail that you might even regard as spam – but reputable companies will not send you unsolicited links and updates via e-mail. Similarly, reputable companies will not send unsolicited text messages to your mobile device directing you to install an update or download new software.

Attackers prey on your tendency to trust your wireless provider or financial institution.Do not blindly accept software updates or download applications to your mobile phone simply because the text message appears to be official. If in any doubt, follow up with your wireless provider or with the business.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 301 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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