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Task 4. Put the predicate of the following sentences into the necessary tense form as in the example. Remember about the word order

Було вивчено (проаналізовано) the island location as an alternative spot for future development. (Past Simple) – The island location as an alternative spot for future development was analyzed.

1. Розглядається а new scheme of getting massive central government funds. (Present Simple).

2. Досліджується (детально) а new monitoring system. (Present Simple).

3. Обговорюється the decision to grant our country the status of market economy. (Present Simple).

4. Вивчалися the primary sources of heating in apartments and homes throughout the France-sized nation. (Past Simple).

5. Було описано the act as the most basic unit of human behavior. (Past Simple).

6. Знайдено the precious metal mined and processed by an ore-enriching and metallurgical complex. (Present Perfect).

7. Розглядалася the problem of non-transparent management and shadowy activity of tycoons. (Past Simple).

8. Вже обговорювався the way (method) of obtaining mineral oil without drilling. (Present Perfect).

9. Вивчено chemistry, pressure and temperature effects on changing sea creatures into oil. (Present Perfect).

10. Визначається the degree of reliability for manned flight special equipment. (Present Simple).

11. Було розглянуто the conditions of work of latest design computing devices. (Past Simple).

12. Описується an improved model of protecting the financial industry from systematic risks. (Present Simple).

13. Досліджено the influence of poor management on corporation financial losses. (Present Perfect).

14. Визначено (шляхом оцінки) the advantages of the two-stage educational program. (Present Perfect).

15. Було розглянуто the chance of entering different segments of tobacco market і запропоновано strict regulations. (Past Simple).

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 455 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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