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Text5 Service Activity in Hotel Business

The hotel is an enterprise rendering service to the people, which are out of doors. The service of the placing and the nourishment is the leading one at the hotel.1) The hotel apartments are the basic element of the placing service. They are intended for the rest, sleeping and work of the guests. In additional the placing service includes the service, which is done by the personal of the hotel. These are reception and official registration of the guests, cleaning the rooms and others. The nourishment consists of different processes: · process of production (preparation of dishes), · trade process (sale of the food products),· service process (service of the guests by the waiters at the restaurant, in the rooms). The additional service includes swimming-pools, conference halls, hair-dressers, massage-room and many other things. The hotel is distinguished by the additional service among other hotels. Therefore this service is very important by the forming the attractiveness of the hotel. Among the main services one can also distinguish the reserving the place, the facilities, the receiving and the service of the exploitation of the apartment fund. 2) The service of the nourishment, the placing service and the additional service are formed differently. Thus one can designate several types of the hotels. The first class hotels are usually situated in the center of the city. The skilled staff ensures the high level of the service. The clients of this kind of the hotel are businessmen, participants of the conferences and other rich men. The health-resort hotel is situated in the health-resort country. It includes the medical service and the dietary nourishment. The motel is located near the motor roads and in the suburbs. The clients of the motel are tourists, particularly motor tourists. The middle class hotels render the broad service. The prizes depend on the situation of the hotel. The leading types of the hotels are the business and health-resort ones, because 50% of the journeys are made with business purpose, and holiday are treatment purpose determines 40% of the journeys. The hotels are classified by the level of the comfort, the capacity of the hotel, the purpose of the hotel, the situation of the hotel, the duration of the work, the providing with the nourishment, the duration of the stay at the hotel, the level of the prices. 3) The peculiarities of the hotel service are: a. the processes of the production and the consumption are not synchronous. This means that several kinds of service do not connect with the presence of the client (cleaning the rooms), b. Limited possibility of the keeping, c. Urgency of the service. The problem concerning the service must be solved very quickly. The urgency and the situation of the hotel are the most important factors by the choice of the hotel, d. The broad participation of the staff in the production process. Personal service cannot be mechanized or automated. Some technologies are being instituted to speed up routine tasks, but the human element is the determining one in the hospitality business. Therefore the problem of the standardization is significant in the lodging industry. The standards of the service are worked out at many hotels. They are the rules of the service, which guarantee the level of quality of all operations. These are the time of the official registration, the knowledge of foreign languages and the out-word appearance of the personal. The work at the hotel brings the employee into contact with people from all walks of life. Guests will include the wealthy and the poor, engaging and obnoxious. Each guest offers the employee an opportunity to learn more about human nature. Employees not only have direct responsibility for guest service, they also have the benefit of witnessing the guests’ satisfaction. The managers generally need more hands-on experience before assuming managerial positions. The skills of understanding, motivation and directing people can best be developed through experience.


1. What does the word “hotel” mean?

2. What are the main services?

3. What does the placing service include?

4. What does the additional service include?

5. What are the types of the hotels?

6. What are the leading types of the hotels?

7. How are the hotels classified?

8. What are the peculiarities of the hotel?

9. What are the rules which guarantee the level of quality of all operations?

10. Do guests help the employees learn about human nature?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 641 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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