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Б. Установите соответствие между ситуациями (a-f) и вопросами (1-17)

a) In the shop.   b) Filling in the form at the bank.   c) In the street.   d) In the restaurant.   e) In the classroom.   f) When you start talking to someone for the first time. 1) Do you have it in a smaller size? 2) Are you ready to order? 3) Sorry, could you repeat that, please? 4) Where is the nearest bank? 5) Do you sell batteries? 6) Do you speak English? 7) Anything else? 8) Where are the toilets, please? 9) Can I help you? 10) What time is it? 11) What’s your date of birth? 12) How much does it cost? 13) Which part of (Russia) are you from? 14) Where are you from? 15) How do you spell…? 16) Can we have the bill, please? 17) How long are you going to stay?

Определите в какой ситуации может состояться этот разговор.


WAITER: Can I help you, madam?

WOMAN: Yes, where are the toilets, please?

WAITER: Over there, next to the bar.

WOMAN: Thanks. And then can we have the bill, please?

WAITER: Certainly madam.


A: Excuse me. Do you speak English?

в: A little bit.

A: Where's the nearest underground station - do you know?

в: Over there, next to the cinema. Can you see it?

A: Oh yes. Thank you.

з: Where are you from?

A: Ontario, Canada.

в: That's a long way. What are you doing in Warsaw?

A: Oh, I'm just here on business,

в: And how long are you going to stay?

A: Just a week, but I'm having a great time!

в: Oh well, good luck and enjoy your stay.

А: Thanks, bye.


A: Excuse me. How much does this cost?

в: Twelve ninety-nine.

A: OK, right... I'll take it then.

в: Anything else?

A: NO, that's it thank you.

в: How do you want to pay?

A: By credit card, if that's OK.

в: Sure...

(Pre- Intermediate, p.158)

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