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Прочитайте по ролям 4 телефонных разговора Jane и подберите к ним заголовки из списка.

1. A phone call to Tompson Travel about plane tickets.

2. A phone call to Paul about tomorrow night.

3. A phone call to Dad about Mum’s birthday.

4. A phone call to Tania to tell her about tickets.

Conversaton 1 j = Jane

j: Hello, can I speak to Paul, please?

a: Sorry, he's not here.

j: Oh, 1 see... do you know when he'll be back

a: Not really, no...

j: OK, I'll try again this afternoon.

a: OK, bye.

Conversation 2 б = woman in Travel agent

в: ТКО Travel, good morning.

j: Hello, is that Julia Thomson?

в: Speaking.

j: Hello, this is Jane Hancock, I'm ringing about the flight tickets...

в: Oh, right, yes...

j:... for Copenhagen. Are they ready yet?

j: Yes, well unfortunately there's a bit of a problem…

Conversation 3 am = answer machine j = Jane

am: Hello, this is Tania Shaw... Sorry, I'm not here at the moment. Please leave a message after the tone:


j: Hi, it's Jane here, can you phone me back? It's about the flight tickets. My number is 890921. Talk to you soon. Bye!

Conversation 4 м = Jane's mum

m: Hello?

j: Hello, Mum, it's me. Is Dad there?

m: He's asleep in front of the television. Shall I wake him up?

J: No, it's okay. Can you ask him to phone me?

m: Yes, of course. Is everything okay?

j: Oh yes, I'm fine I've just got to do all these things before Saturday.

(Elementary, p.158)

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 569 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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