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Grammar in use. Active voice had + Participle II



had + Participle II

to treat – had treated

to give - had given

1. to cut, to put

2. to make, to get, to tell, to know, to take, to keep, to feel, to find, to feed, to fight, to go, to leave, to meet, to rise, to sand, to say, to see, to spread, to teach, to undergo, to write, to sell, to grow, to learn

3. to visit, to carry, to listen, to measure, to follow, to divide, to last, to persist, to compose, to call, to reveal, to estimate, to form, to fill in, to watch, to observe, to investigate, to reduce, to cause, to operate on, to finish, to treat

I had treated; I had not treated; Had I treated? He had treated She had treated You had treated They had treated We had treated

Exercise 13. Read and translate the following sentences, paying attention to the predicate and italicized expressions. Make the sentences negative and interrogative

Model: I had completed my work.

I had not completed my work.

Had I completed my work?

1. The surgeon had operated on the patient when we came.

2. Yesterday the surgeon had operated on the patient by 2 o’clock.

3. By the time we came the surgeon had operated on the patient.

4. The surgeon had operated on the patient before we came.

5. We were said that the surgeon had operated on the patient.

6. They reported that the surgeon had operated on the patient two days before.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 381 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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