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Answer the following questions. 1. What do hotels and hostels provide?

1. What do hotels and hostels provide?

2. Are hotels or hostels more luxurious and expensive?

3. What services can you get at hotels?

4. Who usually uses hostels? Why?

5. How were the rooms set up in past?

6. What are most hotels associated with?

7. What will some hostels allow their guests?

8. Whom are hostel owners used to?

9. What are the differences between hotels and hostels?

Translate into English.

1) предоставлять размещение

2) собственная комната

3) сходство

4) чистые полотенца

5) тратить деньги

6) охранять собственность

7) единомышленники

8) готовить еду

9) услуга беспроводного Интернета

10) соблюдать правила

11) уставшие путешественники

12) дополнительные удобства

13) напитки


15)кабельное телевидение

Give the definitions for the following words.

Dormitory room, backpack, cash, wet bar, curfew, owner

Think of the nouns that are used with the following verbs.

1) to provide

2) to carry

3) to share

4) to find

5) to meet

6) to watch

7) to offer

8) to supply

9) to include

10) to tell

Transform the sentences into the Passive voice.

1. Hotels provide accommodations to travellers.

2. Some hostels will allow guests to work.

3. Hotel management may turn away guests.

4. A hotel provided guests with mini refrigerators.

5. A hostel has offered beds to travellers.

5. Translate into Russian:

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 590 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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