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Translate the following into Russian

a) In the centre of the room, under the chandelier, as became a host, stood the heads of the family, old Jolyon himself. Eighty years of age, with his fine, white hair, his dome-like forehead, his little, dark grey eyes, and an immense white moustache, which dropped and spread below the level of his strong jaw, he had a patriarchal look, and in spite of lean cheeks and hollows at his temples, seemed master of perennial youth. He held himself extremely upright, and his shrewd, steady eyes had lost none of their clear shining.

("The Man of Property" John Galsworthy)

b)... She was a pretty woman- a little too pale, but her figure, her eyes, her teeth!... The gods had given Irene dark brown eyes and golden hair, that strange combination, provocative of men's glances, which is said to be the mark of a weak character. And the full, soft pallor of her neck and shoulder, above a gold -coloured frock, gave to her personality an alluring strangeness.

("The Man of Property" John Galsworthy)

c) The Princess was thirty-eight years old when her father died. And quite unchanged. Her soft brownish hair, almost the colour of beaver fur, was bobbed, and fluffed softly round her apple-blossom face, that was modelled with an arched nose like a proud old Florentine portrait. In her voice, manner and bearing she was exceedingly still, like a flower that has blossomed in a shadowy place.

("The Princess" David Herbert Lawrence)

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 337 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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