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Memorize these dialogues. Practice them in раirs


A: Excuse me, sir, who is that gentleman?

B: That is Mr. Harold Davis.

A: Thank you. Tell me where is he from?

B: Mr. Davis is from Ockham, England.

A: What is he, by the way?

B: He’s a physicist or a chemist, something like that.


A: Are you American, Mr. Miller?

B: Me? American? Oh no: I'm English. I'm an Englishman.

A: Is that lady English, too?

B: Who? Mrs. McCall? Well, she's a Scotswoman. We both are British.

A: And where is Mr. O'Kelly from?

B: He is an Irishman.


A: What country are you from, Mr. Adams?

B: I'm from USA. And you? Are you Russian?

A: Yes, I'm from Russia. My name is Kotov.

B: Glad to meet you, Mr. Kotov. By the way, I'm going to

visit your country soon.

A: Really? When?

B: Next month.


A: Pardon me, sir: where are you from?

B: From England. You have certainly heard something about Leeds. It's the town I live in.

A: Of course I have. Are you here as a tourist, Mr...?

В: Mr. Jones. No, I'm not. I'm here as an engineer of a firm.

We're assembling a line at a leather factory in this town.

A: I see, Mr. Jones. My name is Sidorov. I'm a student of the Institute of Foreign Languages. I’m glad to meet you.


A: What country are you from?

B: I'm from England and Mr. McIntosh is from Scotland.

A: Are you travelling together?

B: Yes, we are members of a tourist group.

A: Have you visited many places in Russia?

B: Quite a lot.


A: Where are you from, Mrs. Hill?

B: I'm from Coventry.

A: And I’m from Volgograd. Coventry and Volgograd are sister-towns.

B: I was in Volgograd four years ago as a member of the delegation of the British Sister-Town Association.

A: Did you like my town?

B: Yes, very. Volgograd is a very beautiful city, really.


A: Where are you from, Miss...?

В: My name is Seko. I'm from Japan.

A: I'm Аndrei Kotov, from Russia. Are you visiting our country as a tourist?

B: Yes, I'm a tourist. I have won a ten-days tour. I took part in the National Competition for the best knowledge of Russian in Japan.

A: Congratulations! Oh, but we might as well speak Russian.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 329 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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