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Exercise 3. Test transmissions should take the following form:

Study the following.

Test transmissions should take the following form:

a) the identification of the aeronautical station being called;

b) the aircraft identification;

c) the words ‘RADIO CHECK’;

d) the frequency being used.

Replies to test transmissions should be as follows:

a) the identification of the station calling;

b) the identification of the station replying;

c) information regarding the readability of the transmission.

Readability scale Phraseologies Meaning
  You are unreadable Unreadable
  Read you 2 Readable now and then
  Read you 3 Readable but with difficulty
  Read you 4 Readable
  Read you 5 Perfectly readable

The following scale of numbers will tell the pilot the quality of his radio transmissions or its readability.

Exercise 4

a) Listen to the following test procedures:

1) ACFT: Newtown Ground, Air India 116, radio check 118.7.

GROUND: Air India 116, Newtown Ground, read you 5.

2) ACFT: Newtown Ground, Austrian 601, radio check 118.7.

GROUND: Austrian 601, Newtown Ground, read you 3.

3) ACFT: Newtown Ground, Air France 721, radio check 118.7.

GROUND: Station calling Newtown Ground, you are unreadable.

b) Listen to the dialogues again and repeat the controller’s words.

c) Listen to the test procedures and take the controller’s part.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 296 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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