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To be good at studies хорошо учиться

headache ['hedeik] головная боль

heartache ['ha:teik] боль в сердце

toothache ['tu:Oeik] зубная боль

backache ['bsekeikj боль в спине или в пояснице

earache f'iareik] боль в ухе

Bad pain сильная боль

stomach ['st/unak] желудок; живот

to complain [kam'plein] of жаловаться на

sore throat [.so: 'Graut] боль в горле

cough [kof] кашель

to run a high temperature ['tempritfa] иметь

Высокую температуру

bad cold in one's head сильная простуда

to suffer ['SAfa] from страдать от

blood pressure ['blAd,preja] кровяное давление

to consult [kan'sAlt] a doctor обратиться к врачу

to examine [ig'zaemin] осмотреть

to feel one's pulse [рл!з] проверить пульс

to test one's blood pressure измерить кровяное


to take one's temperature измерить температуру

to sound one's heart and lungs [IAQZ] прослушать

Сердце и легкие

to test one's eyes проверить зрение

to check one's teeth проверить зубы

to have one's chest X-rayed ['eksreidj сделать

Рентген грудной клетки

to prescribe [pri'skraib] прописать (лечение),

Выписать (рецепт)

treatment ['trhtmantj лечение

Pill пилюля

tablet ['taeblit] таблетка

medicine ['medsan] лекарство

at the chemist's ['kemistsj в аптеке

complication [jompli'keijn] осложнение

to follow one's recommendations следовать


I can't help telling я не могу не рассказать

weakness ['wi:knis] слабость

insomnia [irrsomnia] бессоница

Memory loss потеря памяти

liver [live] печень

patient ['peifantj пациент

to cure [kjua] излечивать

desease [di'zhz] болезнь

quiet f'kwaiat] тихий, спокойный

To have a good rest хорошо отдохнуть

To take long walks много ходить пешком

rule [ru:l] правило

Eat at pleasure ['р!езэ], drink with measure ['meja]

And enjoy life as it is. Ешьте вволю, пейте в меру

И наслаждайтесь жизнью.

To be well хорошо себя чувствовать

to smoke [smauk] курить

cheerful ['tfiaful] бодрый

at my age [eid3] в моем возрвсте


1. Do you agree with the saying "Health is the greatest wealth"?

2. The doctor recommended his patient to follow the rule: "Eat at pleasure, drink with measure and enjoy life as it is." What do you think of this piece of advice?

3. When were you last ill? What did you complain of?

4. Did you see the doctor?

5. Did you have to stay in bed?

6. What treatment did the doctor prescribe?

7. How long did it take you to get well?

8. Have you ever had complications after a disease? Which did you take harder, the disease itself or the complications after it?

9. What do you usually do when you have a headache?

10. How often do you go to the dentist to check your teeth?

11. How long does it usually take you to recover from cold?

12. Have you ever been operated on? Was it serious?

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 280 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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