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Comprehension check. Study the text and write out the English equivalents to the following words and expressions

Task 1.

Study the text and write out the English equivalents to the following words and expressions.

Сосредоточиться на главных достижениях; охарактеризовать культуру; объединенный территориально-экономический комплекс; преобладать в сельской местности; редкий; уважение к старшим; желание помогать; необходимо отметить; отзывчивый; полагаться на «цепочку» друзей; ответвление; представление физического пространства; создание гармонии созерцания; согласиться с общепринятым мнением; в настоящее время.

Task 2.

Put down 10 questions to the text. Stand in 2 lines facing each other. Students from one line ask the students in front of them the prepared questions until the teacher stops them. Then students take turns.

Task 3.

Complete the sentences using the information from the text.

1. In order to characterize Russian culture we need …………..

2. Russian language is ………..

3. The Russian language was ………..

4. A great achievement for the country ……………

5. Russians rely on …………..

6. Foreigners can’t deny …………….

7. The icons by Rublyov are …………

8. The best collections of paintings……….

9. Currently Russians ………………

Focus on grammar

Task 1.

In most lines of the following dialogue there is one unnecessary word. Write down every unnecessary in the space provided (see 00) or put a tick (Ö) if the line is correct (see 0). Explain your choice.

    0 Ö 00been 1…… 2…… 3…… 4…… 5…… 6…… 7…… 8…… 9…… 10….. 11….. 12….. 13….. 14…..

A Treasure House of Russian Art

Irina: Come and look! This painting is worth seeing.

It looks like there is been a lamp hidden behind the canvas, doesn’t it?

Lena: Yes. It’s called “Moonlit Night on the Dnieper “ by from Arkhip Kuindzhi. How amazing! The centre is highlighted to show the rays of the moon. Did you know that he was painted at different times of the day to the experiment with the effects of light?

Irina: He’s a great painter! Indeed, he is probably one of the best Russian landscape artists.

Lena: Right. Let’s go and to see Aivazovsky’s paintings. I’ve read he was the only Russian seascape painter. He captured the vastness of the sea very much well.

Irina: Exactly. This one’s was called “The Ninth Wave”. Here the artist masterfully shows the beauty of a stormy sea.

Lena: It’s wonderful! Aivazovsky was really the able to show of the character of the sea in his work.

Focus on writing

Task 1.

Divide the text into logical parts. Find the topic sentence of each part. Make up the plan of the text.

Task 2.

Define the main idea of the text and write down the supporting details.

Task 3.

Find information about 2 famous people of Russia (political figures, scientists, actors, etc.). Using the topic sentence provided and the information you have found, write a paragraph which follows the comparison pattern.

Despite some differences between X and Y, there are striking similarities between the two people.

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 486 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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