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Phrases for communication

Ex.1. Прочитайте и запомните следующие выражения:

Meeting people Знакомство

- What’s your name, please? - Как вас зовут?

- What’s your occupation/ job? - Кем вы работаете?/

Чем занимаетесь?

- Are you a student/ teacher? - Вы студент/ учитель?

- How old are you? - Сколько вам лет?

- Where are you from? - Откуда вы?

- I’m seventeen (years old). - Мне 17 лет.

- I am from Russia/ Canada/ the - Я из России/ Канады/


- I’m on business/ on holiday/ va- - Я здесь в деловой

cation here. поездке/ на каникулах/

провожу отпуск.

Greeting Приветствие

- How do you do? - Здравствуй(те) (при

знакомстве, первой встрече).

- Hello/ Hi! - Здравствуй(те)/Привет!

- Good morning/ afternoon/ - Доброе утро/ день/вечер.


- How are you?/ How are things - Как поживаешь?/ Как дела?

with you?

- Fine, thanks. - Спасибо, прекрасно.

- Everything is OK, thank you. – Спасибо, все хорошо.

- So-so. – Неважно./ Так себе.

Ex.2.a) Прочитайте диалоги в парах.

A: Hi, meet my friend Ann. She is Russian.

B: Hello, Ann!

A: Ann is a student from the Academy of Labour and Social Relations.

B: Nice to meet you.

A: I’m glad to meet you, too.

A: Hello! How are you?

B: I’m fine, thank you, and you?

A: Very well, too. Thanks. See you later.

B: Bye.

A: Who are you?

B: I am Jim Brown.

A: And who is that boy?

B: It’s Tom Brown, my brother.

A: And who is that girl reading a newspaper?

B: The girl who is reading a newspaper is Mary Brown, my sister.

A: Is James Brown any relation to you?

B: Yes, he is my son.

A: Is Alice Hall any relation to your wife?

B: Yes, she is her niece.

A: Are you any relation to Sam Brown?

B: Oh, no! We are just namesakes! (однофамильцы).

b) Составьте свой диалог, используя фразы знакомства и приветствия.

Ex.3. Сопоставьте вопросы слева с ответами справа.

1.Where are you from? a) How do you do?

2. Where is my pen? b) Fine, thank you.

3. Who’s your doctor? c) 32 Green Street.

4. What’s your name? d) Not bad, thanks.

5. What do you do? e) It’s under your book.

6. How do you do? f) John Harris.

7. How are you? g) Spain.

8. And you? h) Doctor Wagner.

9. What is your address? i) I’m a student.

Ex. 4. Закончите диалоги, переведите предложения на английский язык, где необходимо.

1. -Добрый день! Как дела!

- Fine, thank you. And you?

- Все в порядке, благодарю вас.

2. – Let me introduce my friend to you. This is Mr Brown.

- Здравствуйте, господин Браун.

- I’m happy to meet you, too.

3. – It’s a fine day today.

- Вы правы, сегодня прекрасный день.




Figure (фигура)

plump,fat slim well-built skinny tall short medium-height полный, пухлый стройный, тонкий хорошо сложенный худой высокий невысокий среднего роста

Complexion (цвет лица)

fair dark pale светлый смуглый бледный

Face (лицо)

round long thin / chubby pale plain круглое длинное худое / полнощекое бледное простое, обыкновенное

Chin (подбородок)

round pointed double круглый острый двойной

Hair (волосы)

  1. curly- кудрявые;
  2. smooth - гладкие;
  3. straight/wavy - прямые \волнистые;
  4. long - длинные
  5. short – короткие
  6. shoulder-long – по плечи
  7. fringe - челка
  • red
  • grey/white
  • golden
  • ash-blond
  • silvery
  • dark/fair
  • brown
  • chestnut
  • рыжие
  • седые
  • золотистые
  • пепельные
  • серебристые
  • темные\светлые, белокурые
  • русые
  • каштановые

Eyes (глаза)

hazel brown grey blue green blue-grey with long/curving eyelashes светло-коричневые карие серые голубые зелёные серо-голубые с длинными/загнутыми ресницами

Nose (нос)

flat straight bulbous nose to be snub-nosed turned-up приплюснутый прямой нос картошкой быть курносым вздернутый

What can be found on the face:

freckles wrinkles a scar a dimple to wear spectacles moustache beard веснушки морщины шрам ямочка носить очки усы борода

Ex. 1. Сопоставьте следующие слова.

  1. plump, skinny, slim
  2. silky, smooth, curly
  3. pale, thin, long
  4. hazel, black, green
  5. snub, straight, bulbous
  6. chestnut, dark, fair
  7. double, pointed, round
  • a. face
  • b. hair colour
  • c. figure
  • d.hair
  • e. nose
  • f. eyes
  • g. chin

Ex. 2. Переведите следующие выражения на русский язык.

1. hazel eyes 10. a short curly fringe

2. a turned up nose 11. a man with a long moustache

3. a pointed chin 12. a wrinkled face

4. short, dark, curly hair 13. to have a long face

5. wavy shoulder-length hair 14. a man of medium-height

6. good-humored round face

7. darken eyelashes with mascara

8. a skinny figure

9. a deep scar

Ex.3. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


My name is Ann. I am seventeen. I live in Rostov-on-Don.

I am middle-sized. I am not very skinny. My face is oval. I have a fair complexion. I have a straight nose and a round chin. My eyebrows are pencilled, my eyelashes are thick and long. I have large hazel eyes. My hair is chestnut, wavy and shoulder-long with a short fringe.

I have just left school and now I study at the college. I am going to be an economist. I like my future profession and I am going to do my best to become a good specialist.

Ex. 4. Ответьте на вопросы.

Вопросы Ожидаемые ответы
1. What is your full name? What is your first name? What is your surname (family name)?   2. How old are you? When were you born?   3. Where are you from?   4. Where do you live? What is your address?   5. What do you do? What is your speciality?   6. Where do you study?   My full name is … My first name is … My surname is …   I’m … years old. I was born on the … th of …, 19…   I’m from …   I live in …     I’m a student     I study in the first year of …

Заполните анкету.

Surname (last name) _________________________________

Name (first name) ___________________________________

Sex ______________________________________________

Nationality _________________________________________

Date of birth ________________________________________

Place of birth _______________________________________

Address (street) ______________________________________

City _______________________________________________

State ________________________________________________

Zip code _____________________________________________

Occupation ___________________________________________

Telephone number _____________________________________

Mobile number ________________________________________

Ex.5. Прочитайте и переведите диалог. Составьте свой диалог, используя данные слова и выражения.

Ann:   Mary: A.: M.:   A.: M.: A.: Hello, Mary. Haven’t seen you for ages! How are you? Hi, Ann. I’m fine. And how are you? Nice, thank you. What have you been doing all this time? I’ve finished technical college. Now I’ve a secondary education and work at the foreign firm. And what do you do? I’m the first-year student of the Railway University. And what about your sister Susan? She is twenty two now, she got a higher education and she is a manager, her position is good. That’s great! My best regards to her. I was happy to see you. Bye-bye, Mary. See you later.



I have many friends but my best friend is Peter. He is fifteen. Now we are first-year students of the technical school. He is a good student because he studies hard and is very diligent. He wants to become a good specialist. He often helps me with my English lessons and I’m grateful to him for that. We made friends with Peter when he and his family moved to our house. We have very much in common: we like the same music, we both like reading.

Now a few words about his appearance. He is rather tall, strong and well-built. He has an oval face, straight nose, dark-brown hair, blue eyes and a nice smile. People find him good-looking. Peter is a good sportsman. He goes in for sports. He plays football and basketball well.

I have another friend. Her name is Natasha. She is a schoolgirl and she lives next door. She is a blonde with blue eyes, she is slim and pretty. She has long fair hair. She likes riding a bike and computer games.

I like all my friends very much. I think they are all my faithful friends.


a technical school – техническое училище

to study hard - усердно учиться

diligent – прилежный, старательный

to make friends - подружиться

rather - довольно

to move - переехать

common - общий

to ride a bike – ездить на велосипеде

faithful - верный

Ex. 1. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Is it easy for you to make friends?

2. Who is your best friend?

3. How did you make friends?

4. Where does your friend study?

5. How does your friend look like?

6. What kind of sport does your friend like?

7. Do you like to spend your free time with your friends?

8. What are the hobbies of your friends?

Ex. 2. Составьте рассказ о внешности и характере своего друга (друзей).



a family a name a surname parents a father a mother grandparents a grandfather a grandpa a grandmother a grandma a granny a sister a brother a son a daughter an uncle an aunt a niece a nephew a cousin   a doctor a nurse a worker a lawyer a driver a teacher an engineer a manager an electrician a pupil a school boy a school girl a student a full-time student a part-time student a first-year student a second-year student a hospital a study a technical school experienced   a college to work to read books to sing to play the guitar to play the piano to help to help about the house to go shopping to be at home to have free time to be ill to be in the first year handsome a good mood


My family is not large. We are four: my mother, my father, my brother and I.

My mother’s name is Olga. She is a very nice woman. She has big green eyes, a turned-up nose and short dark hair. She is rather tall and slim. She graduated from the institute fifteen years ago and now she is a skilled doctor. In her free time she likes reading, cooking and listening to music. She prefers classical music. She also dances very well.

My father’s name is Alexander. He is forty years old. He is tall. His eyes are blue and his hair is fair. He is an economist. He likes to watch TV and to read newspapers. On Sundays he often plays tennis.

My brother’s name is Dennis. He is ten. He is a schoolboy. Some of his hobbies are collecting coins, stamps and computer games. He also likes to skate and ski.

My name is Helen. I am seventeen. I am rather short and thin. I have dark hair and blue eyes. I am a first-year student in a technical school. I am a full-time student. I want to be a technician. I enjoy watching TV, reading and listening to music. I also like to play tennis with my father on Sundays.

My family has a dog. Its name is Spot. It is black with some white spots. It is very clever.

On Sundays all the members of my family like to go to the country. We take some food with us and enjoy fresh air. We take Spot with us. Sometimes we go to the cinema or to the theatre.

Ex.1. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты к следующим выражениям.

довольно высокая и стройная, вздернутый нос, окончить институт, квалифицированный врач, готовить, предпочитать классическую музыку, очень хорошо танцевать, светлые волосы, читать газеты, играть в теннис, коллекционировать монеты и марки, кататься на коньках, первокурсник, техникум, ездить за город

Ex.2. Заполните пропуски глаголами to be и to have.

Our family … a big one. Our surname … Kirillov. My father … blue eyes and dark hair. He … an architect. My mother … a tall, nice woman. She … a housewife. I … a sister and a brother. My brother … twenty-four. He … an engineer. The youngest and the smallest of our family … Katya. She … only four. She … large grey eyes and long fair hair. We … a happy family.

Ex.3. Дополните предложения любыми профессиями, которые вы знаете.

1. Nick is a …. 2. My sister is a …. 3. I am a …. 4. Ann is a …. 5. My mother is a …. 6. These men are …. 7. My aunt is a …. 8. Mary is a ….

Ex.4. Сопоставьте глаголы из колонки А с существительными из колонки В.


1. to listen to a) the institute

2. to play b) music

3. to watch c) newspapers

4. to go to d) tennis

5. to graduate from e) stamps

6. to collect f) TV

7. to read g) the country

Ex.5. Перефразируйте выделенные слова и выражения, используя новую лексику.

1. Ann is thin. 2. My mother is a professional engineer. 3. My brother finished the institute two years ago. 4. When I am free, I like reading. 5. Nick goes to school. 6. My friend studies in the first year. 7. On Sundays all my family like to skate.

Ex.6. Составьте 10 вопросов по тексту.

Ex. 7. Заполните пропуски подходящими предлогами.

1. Kate graduated … the university four years ago. 2. … Friday John often plays football. 3. He likes to watch TV and listen … music. 4. Sometimes I like to go … the cinema. 5. Ann is a first-year student … a technical school. 6. Mike usually plays tennis … his friend.

Ex.8. Составьте предложения со словами из Ex.1.

Ex.9. Расскажите о каждом члене семьи. Выразите свое мнение о них.

Use the phrases: As far as I know…

As far as I remember…

As a matter of fact…

As for…

I think (believe, suppose)

To my mind…

Ex. 10. Составьте кроссворд по тексту.

Ex.11. Расскажите о своей семье, используя новую лексику.

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